March 16: SOARA Club Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Monday March 16, 2015 at 7pm at the Norman P. Murray center in Mission Viejo.

This month’s speaker will be Gordon West WB6NOA of Costa Mesa as well as many other parts of the globe. Gordon is well known for his knowledge of amateur radio, his excellent teaching skills and his all around great sense of humor. He is a mentor to many of us in many different ways. When Patti and I were first licensed we joined the 78’s ARC and Gordon showed up and took a whole bunch of radio rookies under his wing that membership list was well over 500 when I last looked.
He and Suzy have been members of SOARA for a while now and on Tuesday nights Gordon is our news behind the news on the SOARA VHF/UHF net. I would like to encourage as many of you who can make it to come to our meeting. Please see on the web for more information.