Monday 2/25 at 7:00 PM
Norman P. Murray Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
Don’t miss our Monday, February 25th club meeting. Our speaker will be Juan Rodriguez, from Yaesu located locally in Cypress, CA.
From stationary multi-feature communications equipment to portable devices, Yaesu has consistently represented the best in communications equipment to the world’s top DX’ers for over half a century.
Hopefully, Juan will be able to show us some of the newest Yaesu radios and accessories. Yaesu continues to be a very popular brand among SOARA members so I expect a lively and informative product Q & A.
Ham Radio Examinations will be administered at 6:00 PM, prior to the start of our general meeting. Cost is $15/attempt. Pre-registration is not required and you don’t need to be a SOARA member to take the test.