SOARA Saturday Technet Log

Every Saturday tech net starting 9am, until we finish, 147.645, 224.640, and 447.180 repeaters

Check in with call sign phonetically and first name. Questions or answers. Try to keep your turn to 3 minutes or less.

12/30/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net control & logging
    1. Not linked today. should have been auto linked. Dale said 440 site isnt linking for some reason. Under investigation.
  2. AE6H, Ray
    1. Calibrating radio, signal generator, WWV, look up YouTube videos for possible procedure
    2. maybe 7 MHz
  3. KO6AOL, Mike
    1. Sunday 10M Tech Net moved!
    2. We post 28.415 +/- the +/- means we may change station frequency due to other stations on frequency or QRM.
    3. We don’t own the frequency. We try 28.415MHz then move if needed.
  4. AI6WE, Mike
  5. W6CAG, Claude
    1. Audio levels / deviation, how to measure / change on UHF / VHF?
    2. Some UHF/VHF radios deviate more than others
    3. On HF rigs there are typically adjustments for mic gain and compression
    4. How you hold and speak into the microphone may be important too. I talk perpendicular into the microphone. I never speak directly into the microphone. This helps protect the microphone from the higher frequency clicks and pops inherent to our speach.
  6. K6NOV, Ray
  7. KR6J, Kenan
  8. W6EDT, Dale
  9. AJ6EE, Kevin
  10. KM6FOY, Bill

12/8/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. W6EDT, Dale, Net control
    1. Solar panels on roof
    2. LiFePo battery, mppt chargers, what to do when no load
    3. MPPT Controller link
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. Good Satellite radios
  3. AI6WE, Mike
  4. K7KCE, Joe, net control
    1. adjusting mike, equalization first then audio through transmitter, then compression
    2. Look at audio out, mon button on flex and pipe to FFT
    3. listen to yourself on a SDR, however Utah & Half Moon Bat SDRs have been noisy lately
  5. W6CAG, Claude
  6. KR6J, Kenan
  7. K6NOV, Ray
    1. Off Center fed dipole, 18 feet above ground, 12 feet on either end, 10 meters do hear anything
    2. another station 2 miles away does much better.
    3. S5 noise floor on 40 & 20
    4. link to article
  8. K6RBS, Richard
    1. Ray’s question: Try a verticle on 10 Meters

12/2/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. K7KCE, Joe, net control
    1. Holiday party Friday 8th, buy tickets prior to party, like now
    2. Corronal mass ejection, bands were wide open, predictions were bands closed
    3. 3kHz band width, FCC says use minimum needed, <=3KHz is a good practice
  2. WA6ED Ed, Log
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. weather station
    2. shield nothing, add shielding / ferrite as needed
    3. avoid primary lobe
    4. thermal sensors above roof, 5 feet
    5. rs-485
  4. AE6H, Ray
    1. Skywarn recognition day
  5. AI6WE, Mike
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. W6DS, David
  8. K6RBS, Richard

11/18/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Log & net control
    1. Q backup software, try free from Seagate or Western Digital with external drive purchase
    2. 3 copies on 2 locations
    3. Dropbox or carbonite
    4. Aomei Backuper
    5. Minitool Shadowmaker
  2. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Q mast material, try fence material, HRO has masts
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6CAG, Claude
  5. NH7WG, Bruce
  6. AI6WE, Mike
  7. KO6AOL, Mike

11/11/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Log & net control
  2. AE6H, Ray
  3. W6DS, David
    1. Enjoying the Sigma Eurocom antenna, recommended a few weeks ago
  4. AI6WE, Mike
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. GMRS radios, outdoor antenna, Firetone, maybe Radioditty
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. AJ6VT, Phil
  8. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. VARAC rtty like digital mode
  9. W6CAG, Claude
  10. KO6AOL, Mike
    1. What is good antenna for portable like POTA?
    2. Buddypole?
    3. Ask WE4BY
    4. Superantenna
  11. K6NOV, Ray
    1. How do you log?
    2. LOTW, QRZ, eQSL, N3FJP
  12. KR6J, Kenan

11/4/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Log
    1. Q: Sat software
  2. AE6H Ray, Net control
    1. Sigma euro com connected to top rail of chain link fence
    2. performance improved with fence counterpoise
  3. AI6WE, Mike
  4. K7KCE, Joe
  5. KN6BMR, David
    1. End fed counterpoise, is counterpoise needed? A counterpoise should improve the antenna system
    2. FT-300D, buzzing in speaker when transmitting
      1. keep radio away from antenna, especially at 25 watts
        1. try 5-8 watts
      2. MFJ power supply
        1. freq shift knob?
        2. add ferrites on power wiring
    3. FT710
      1. Book that goes with 710, 3rd party book, recommended
      2. Radio-Today-guide-FT-710-guides
  6. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Q attach ground #4 wire to 3″wide thin copper
      1. solder
      2. Lug
      3. fender washer and bolt together
  7. W6DS, David
    1. Sigma euro com working well, arrived quickly
    2. RG213 coax, don’t skimp
  8. K6NOV, Ray
  9. AJ6EE, Kevin
  10. KM6FOY, Bill

10/14/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Net Control, & Log
    1. Question: recomend first HT under $100
      1. FT-4XR (FT60 EOL)
      2. Radioddity
      3. Baofeng UV5r, make sure FCC ID, part 95 approved
        1. UV5R8W has a FCC ID 2AJGM-UV5R
          1. Link to a report
          2. Above report link fails FCC ID Search
          3. I did the same report search on my Icom ID-51a plus  AFJ339000 and a report search finds two reports where UV5R didn’t
          4. So, I cannot recommend Baofeng anything
  2. AE6H, Ray
  3. KR6ISS, Kriss
  4. AI6WE, Mike
  5. K7KCE, Joe
  6. KR6J, Kenan
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. W6EDT, Dale
  9. W6CAG, Claude


10/07/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Net Control & Log
  2. AI6WE, Mike
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6DS, David
  5. KR6J, Kenan
  6. W6CAG, Claude
  7. KO6AOL, Mike
  8. AJ6EE, Kevin

9/30/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Net Control
  2. N6JY, Scott
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6EDT, Dale
  5. KO6AOL, Mike
  6. W6CAG, Claude
  7. KR6J, Kenan

9/16/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED Ed, Logging
  3. Announcements
    1. K7KCE, Joe SOARA picnic tomorrow
    2. KM6FOY, Bill, FT65 radio door prize on Monday
    3. WA6ED, Ed SES next Saturday at Gilleran Park, MV, CA
  4. Questions
    1. KK6WXN, Ken
      1. portable antenna
        1. metal screen door screen for ground plane, roll out onto ground
      2. end fed antenna, how straight
        1. avoid loops
        2. try L shape
        3. wire in free air
    2. KM6FOY, Bill
      1. Best piece of test equipment for shack
      2. W6EDT, Wattmeter / SWR meter
      3. WA6ED, Multimeter voltages, continuity, etc
      4. AJ6VT, Rigexpert antenna analyzer
      5. W6CAG, Service monitor
  5. Checkins
    1. AI6WE, Mike
    2. KR6J, Kenan
    3. KO6AOL, Mike
    4. W6EDT, Dale
    5. AJ6VT, Phil
    6. KN6SIP, Ravi
    7. W6CAG, Claude


9/9/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
    1. Best station improvement: discone, switch between antennas
  2. WA6ED Ed, Logging
    1. K6TTL Tuner presentation, 9/18, SOARA Meeting
    2. NextSOARA Elmer Saturday, 9/23, Gilleran Park, antenna analyzers
    3. Best station improvement:cube balun 1:1 helps isolate noise
  3. K7KCE, Joe
    1. SOARA Picnic 9/17
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. Door Prize 9/17 FT65
    2. Handheld antennas other than rubber ducks
      1. Comet BNC-24 at HRO
        1. SMA connections rated at about 100 times, connect / disconnect cycles. So a BNC adapter protects the SMA life
      2. Don’t buy antennas on eBay or amazon. Many clones and fakes.
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. HI-Q screwdriver antenna
    2. Best station improvement: dual antennas and receivers
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. AI6WE, Mike
    1. Best station improvement: better coax
    2. Best station improvement: good grounding and bonding
  8. KO6AOL, Mike
  9. W6DS, David
  10. KK6WXN Tim
  11. W6CAG, Claude
    1. Best station improvement: 6’x3′ bench to hold radios, plus shelves, more organized, made a big difference.
  12. AJ6EE, Kevin
  13. KF6UME, David
    1. Best station improvement: added a mixer, one control board

9/2/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Net Control
  2. K7KCE Joe, Logging
    1. SOARA Fall picnic on Sept 17th. RSVP to
  3. AE6H Ray
    1. Any experience with the Yeasu FT-710-AESS?
      1. Bill used one and liked it except for the menus
  4. W6EDT Dale
    1. What reasons for choosing between Random wire and EFHW? Why and what advantages?
      1. EFHW works well on resonant bands, random wire is a compromise on all bands.
  5. KM6FOY Bill
    1. What software do you use to program your HT
      1. Mostly manufacturers software and CHIRP. RT Systems is very nice, has unique features but $$
  6. W6DS David
  7. AJ6EE Kevin
  8. AJ6VT Phil
    1. Putting together QRP rig for cruise ships, what should he bring?
      1. Get permission from the Captain
      2. Bring a copy of your license, make sure you have rights to xmit in foreign countries
  9. KR6J Kenan
  10. AI6WE Mike
  11. NH7WG Bruce
  12. KG6QWY Ray
  13. W6CAG Claude

Net closed at 9:52am

8/19/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko
    1. UHF digital antenna
      1. Heiko picking up southern stations
      2. Mikkel NR6E picking up up Mt Wilson
      3. Mike AI6WE reaching Mt Wilson, 40 + channels, wants it higher with a rotor
      4. Bill, KM6FOY, Internet $40 per month with Cox, picking up Digital TV Mt Wilson, added a wide band RF amp.
    2. Monitor Clara too.
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
    1. What are you doing to prepare for hurricane / tropical storm Hillary?
      1. check batteries, radios, flashlights
      2. outside, clear gutters & drains, pickup anything that wind might move or break
      3. bottled water and emergency food
  3. K7KCE, Joe
    1. SOARA picknic on 17th Sept
    2. Check on elderly neighbors during storm
    3. GOES-16 satellites, sat data download
  4. Bill, KM6FOY
    1. Prepare for Hillary arriving sooner and lasting longer
      1. Maybe lightning strikes
  5. AE6H, Ray
    1. Hillary rain predicted to start 2-6 am Sunday
      1. maybe spawn a few small tornadoes
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. AI6WE, Mike
  8. W6CAG, Claude
  9. K6RBS, Richard
    1. 7250, 7267, 14325, Skywarn
    2. Thunt this afternoon, 1PM, 146.565 Thunt transmitter

8/12/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko
    1. dipole variations, center, offset / OCF, inverted V, Inverted L
      1. Cobra Ultralite Jr & Sr work well
      2. G5RV
      3. Dipole directional, figure out where you want cover, East-West coverage then point antenna North-South
      4. reference the ARRL Antenna book
      5. Cobra Ultralite Kid, worked well for it’s bands without a tuner
      6. Educate yourself about how the antenna works, height, oorentation etc.
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. EARN repeaters, SoCal Edison 220 repeaters, don’t hand out on these repeaters, but okay to use for light traffic
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. NR6E, Mikkel
  6. NH7WG, Bruce

7/15/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
  3. AI6WE, Mike
  4. AD6OI, Heiko
    1. Dipole baluns, uses 4:1 current balun with ladderline
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. radio RF induced into solar system?
  6. K6NOV, Ray
    1. noise isolation at 144.39 and maybe AGC observation
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. KC6ACT, Greg
  9. K0RU, Rob
  10. W6CAG, Claude
  11. KM6FOY, Bill
  12. K6WKB, Bruce

7/8/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
  3. KO6AIM, Ted
    1. on Echolink
    2. POTA antenna types
  4. N6JY, Scott
    1. interfaceing FTDX3000 to MMTY
  5. AE6H, Ray
  6. K6NOV, Ray
    1. Echo link sometimes disables the mic.
  7. W6EDT, Dale
  8. AI6WE, Mike
  9. AD6OI, Heiko
  10. W6CAH, Claude
  11. K6PA, Troy

7/1/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. K7KCE, Joe, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. battery connections broken and alternator overloads in dodge truck. How to monitor bad battery connection when it happens?
      1. monitor current between batteries
      2. monitor alternator for over current
      3. check voltage regulator
      4. alternator will be low voltage and high current if shorted
  4. W6CAG, Claude
    1. WSJTX keeping the time sync for FT8
      1. Flex link for most compatible time sync for WSJTX
      2. Meinberg link
      3. Dimension 4
    2. Current repeater database
      1. repeater book link
  5. AI6WE, Mike
  6. KM6FOY, Bill

5/6/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, Logging
    1. Built LOG antenna, need to connect to lightning protection ground. How to tie in to house ground on opposite side of house from panel?
      1. Need to look out for ground loops, could have different potentials at each rod location.
      2. Could try tying in to local house safety ground and see if it works.
  3. N6JY, Scott
  4. AI6WE, Mike
  5. K6NOV, Ray
    1. Do you use a BNC adapter on your HT? Why/why not?
      1. Some no, due to loss or no need. Some yes, due to switching antennas frequently. Can be a danger from more leverage on the SMA connector.
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. KR6J, Kennan


Net closed at 9:31am


4/29/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. K7KCE, Joe, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
    1. MFJ coax window pass through
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. Attic vent coax pass through
  4. KR6J, Kennan
    1. THD-74 issue, check crystal filter
  5. W6CAG, Claude
    1. drill hole in wall, plastic box to seal from rain
    2. Kenwood THD-74 setup
    3. IFR monitor
  6. KN6SIP, Ravi
  7. AI6WE, Mike
  8. NJ6N, Brian

4/1/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. K7KCE, Joe, Net control
    1. Q, roadtrip
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
    1. Malahit-DSP SDR
      1. Lots of clones, do your research before buying
      2. This is the closest link to what I bought
        1. The software is Russian and the hardware is made in China.
      3. There may be better radios out there as well
  3. W6EDT, Dale, articles for propagator
    1. Q operating ht in the house / one way repeat
      1. use external antenna on roof
      2. local repeater
  4. AI6WE, Mike, woo hoo!
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
  6. W6CAG, Claude
  7. K6NOV, Ray
    1. looking for propagator articles
  8. N6KY, Scott


3/11/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. K7KCE, Joe, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
  3. WA6LDI, Phil, on the way to the candy store
  4. KQ6BIL, Bill
    1. 400 watts, TX FT8 on 40 meters, SWR 1.05 then after a few minutes SWR off the charts
    2. HF auto tuner and linear amp
    3. feedline from anplifier to tuner
      1. could have hotspots in coax?
      2. LMR400 kenwood TS890, (should be good with this coax)
      3. Rigexpert 20M 1.2, 40M 2:1 SWR
    4. HF auto and amp tuner has same issue
    5. 20M & 15M doesn’t show this issue
    6. Run test with dummy load
  5. AE6H, Ray
  6. AD6IO, Heiko
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. KE6GQO, Monty
  9. NR6E, Mikkel
  10. W6CAG, Claude

2/25/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
    1. Tape Measure antenna build Murry center, 3/4/2023
    2. Dipole wire length vs sensitivity?
      1. beverage antenna
      2. 400 meters of wire for receive
      3. for transmit, 1/2 wave dipole optimal, becomes more directional off the ends with more length
    3. The End Fed Half Wave Antenna
  3. AI6WE, Mike
  4. W6EDT, Dale
    1. waterproof coax for temporary connections?
      1. plastic electrical tape
      2. self vulcanizing tape, utility knife to remove
      3. waterproof electrical box
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. Yaesu FT65 door prize at next meeting
  6. AE6H, Ray
    1. need communications director
  7. K7KCE, Joe
    1. How does rain affect an antenna?
      1. skin effect, bare wire vs insulated wire, insulated wire would be better
      2. make sure to seal the coax, rain proof coax
      3. rain water has pollution and stuff in it
  8. W6CAG, Claude
  9. AJ6VT, Phil
    1. telephony vs VOIP?
      1. Raspberry Pi likely using something other than VOIP
      2. Hotspots takes DSTAR, DMR, FUSION data / encoding and just sends encoded data to the repeater. This is why you can’t translate encodings.
  10. W6BOT, Rich
  11. KE6GDR, James
  12. K6RBS, Richard
  13. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  14. K6NOV, Ray
    1. long wire vs off center dipole

2/4/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. K7KCE, Joe, Net control
    1. Is remote operation real ham radio discussion.
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
    1. yes, real ham radio, but emergency coms will likely be different.
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. yes, real ham radio, but emergency coms will likely be different.
  4. W6CAG, Claude
    1. remote stations existed in the past
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. cell systems not that robust
    2. land lines cost more, more robust
    3. cable network phones don’t work without power


1/21/2023 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
  3. K7KCE, Joe
  4. AE6H, Ray
    1. Balun discussion
    2. Basically impedance matching transformers
    3. Make sure transformer if properly power rated
    4. Make sure ferrite material doesn’t overheat
  5. KE6GQO, Monte
    1. Tesla auto charger noise on HF, no solar
    2. Walked around with a spectrum analyzer, lots of noise
    3. What type of noise on SA?
    4. Noise during charging?
      1. When car gone no noise.
    5. Spikes every 35KHz, noise floor plus spikes
    6. Talked to neighbor, in denial a problem exists
    7. Call ARRL and file a complaint
  6. W6EDT, Dale
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. WB6RDO, Bud
  9. AI6WE, Mike
  10. W6CAG, Claude
  11. K7KCE, Joe
  12. KM6FOY, Bill
  13. NH7WG, Bruce

12/31/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED. Ed, Logging
  3. AJ6VT, Phil
    1. 220 radio, Retivis 50watt, smoke poured out, diamond tri-band, black smoke
      1. test with swr meter and dummy load with low power prior to transmitting higher power
      2. check antenna SMA for proper polarity
      3. test antenna for 220, maybe antenna broken
      4. maybe Retivis doesn’t have protection on finals?
      5. Diamond cr320a
  4. W6CAG, Claude
  5. WA6LDI, Phil
  6. AI6WE, Mike
  7. KR6J, Kenan
  8. Nj6N, Brian
  9. G7LWT, Darren
  10. AE6H, Ray

12/24/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED. Ed, Logging
  3. WA6LDI, Phil
  4. W6WHC, Scott
    1. Baofung, GT5R FCC compliant
      1. If it has a FCC ID then it is compliant
      2. Check FCC database for compliance
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. How do you test hour HF voice audio for clarity?
  6. W6CAG, Claude
    1. Long wire antanna, HOA restrictions
    2. 10 feet
    3. heavy lift drone to haul fishing line over house?
  7. AI6WE, Mike
  8. KR6J, Kenan
  9. N6LBC, Cortland
  10. KN6IQ, Larry
  11. KE6GQO, Monte

11/19/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
    1. Of the three major types of antennas (vertical, dipole, beam) can we live with just one?
      1. It depends on what the other station has, better if they match.
      2. Your operating conditions really drive antenna choice, apartment, 50 acres? You put up what you can.
      3. No such thing as a perfect antenna.
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1. EFHW counterpoise, are they needed, how many, do they help? What directions?
      1. Needed for 1/4 wave, not critical with an EFHW as the whole antenna is there already.
  3. AI6WE Mike
  4. WA6LDI Phil
  5. K6RBS Richard
  6. WA6ED Ed
  7. KM6FOY Bill
  8. AE6H Ray
  9. W6CAG Claude
    1. Any experience or ideas putting an antenna on top of a car with glass roof? Glass mount?
      1. Hatch lip mounts and door mounts work well.
    2. Can you run FT8 in a fully automated manner?
      1. No, the default software won’t allow it. Kind of a gray area with the FCC.

Net closed at 9:44am

10/29/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1. What do folks use for HF coax, is low loss LMR400 style really necessary?
      1. Use ladder line if you can. Ladder line does require some special routing.
      2. LMR400 is good to prevent overheating at high power and melting the dielectric.
  3. W6CAG, Claude
    1. Astatic Golden Eagle mic gets RF noise when transmitting above 200 watts, what components or modifications can help filter the RF?
  4. AJ6EE Kevin
  5. WB6RDO Bud
  6. KB6BXD Dave
  7. N6LBC Cortland
    1. Any advice or suggestions for an indoor HF antenna?
      1. If you have an attic, a long wire with remote tuner will work.
      2. A mag loop in the backyard will work and not be visible.
  8. K6EEE Jim
  9. K6RBS Richard
  10. KM6FOY Bill
  11. KR6J Kenan

10/1/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. WA6ED, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1. When wrapping turns on ferrite autotransformer do they need to be separated or can they overlap?
      1. Probably does not matter, a VNA might be able to help. Owen Duffy might have some online guides.
      2. Binocular cores used as autotransformer probably does not matter if the windings are nearby to each other.
  3. WE4BY Greg
    1. Wants to control HF radio from Raspberry Pi. Jimmy suggested NodeJS, any good starting point? Tutorial on how to server a web page that has controls?
      1. Try Node-RED dashboards:
  4. AE6H Ray
  5. NR6E Mikkel
  6. KM6FOY Bill
  7. K6WHC Scott
  8. AD6OI Heiko – Maritime Mobile at the airshow.
  9. KK6UMB Tom
    1. Xiegu X-6100 any good? Looking for shack-in-a-box radio.
      1. Some folks like the Xiegu radios. This is not a shack-in-a-box radio, missing VHF/UHF.
      2. Icom 7100, 7000 are great, Yeasu FT-991A also great.

Net closed at 9:45am

9/17/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
    1. Do you prefer a halfway dipole or off-center fed dipole?
      1. Personal preference is OCFD for mutliband in HOA’s
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1. A portion of my OCFD fell down in the storm and is laying on the roof. It works better. Why?
      1. The mysteries of ham radio are unknowable, antennas more so. Some things with antennas are a bit obscure, it just is.
      2. May also be the radiation pattern has changed.
  3. KM6FOY Bill
  4. WA6LDI Phil
  5. AE6H Ray
  6. W6CAG Claude
  7. WA6ED Ed
  8. K6EEE Jim

Net Closed at 9:40am

9/10/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. AI6WE Mike
  5. WA6LDI Phil
  6. AJ6VT Phil
    1. Has 4 BTech 25×4 radios that go deaf after another party transmits, the receive indicator shows a signal but no audio is heard. Can be fixed by quickly keying up.
      1. Ray has seen a similar problem, there is a setting in the menu that controls what “slot” the radio is receiving on, it can “lock” when it hears another frequency other than the one you are listening to.
      2. Try factory reset and reprogram.
  7. AJ6EE Kevin
  8. KM6FOY Bill
  9. K6WHC Scott
  10. KR6J Kenan
  11. W6EDT Dale
  12. K6TJO Tim
  13. KM6FPF John
  14. KN6SIP Ravi
    1. Recently install FLDIGI, like to get feedback and tip from others.
      1. Just need a sound card and way to connect to the radio. More info might be had at the upcoming SOARA Saturday.
  15. KH2BI Will

Net closed at 9:47am.

9/03/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
  3. WA6LDI, Phil, on his way to the candy store
  4. AE6H, Ray
  5. K7KCE, Joe, Picnic 9/24 at Laguna Niguel Regional park, shelter #3, bout 12:30
  6. AJ6LU, Harald, random wire, rain gutter, vert 6.5 dB, 18 dB yagi, what is a reasonable gain? 29 feet gutter, 10 feet to unun, 25 feet in the air, about end fed 40 foot long, chart with dBd values, need website here
  7. WB6UOO, Claude, d104 microphones converted to Heil d104 dynamic cartridges,  something went wrong with conversion, doesn’t work
  8. K7KCE, Joe, propagation question, vert horz polarization, what is circular polarization? how it does that? satllites rotate,
  9. KN6OFF, George
  10. KM6FOY, Bill
  11. AI6WE, Mike
  12. KR6J, Kenan


8/20/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
    1. What is the use of all the digital modes and internet linked services when the internet goes down?
      1. The internet is rarely down and very rarely down for everyone. The digital modes like D-STAR and CFM do not need the internet to function.
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. KM6FPF John
    1. When tuning an antenna and measuring SWR on a NanoVNA there seems to be an interaction between tuning and the 50 ohm insertion point on the smith chart. Why does it move and does it matter?
      1. The reactance is a function of the inductive and capacitive components of the system, as you tune the antenna you change both. Also you change the electrical length of the antenna which changes the insertion impedance on the smith chart. You need to compensate by changing the delay in the VNA.
  4. AI6WE, Mike
  5. WA6LDI Phil
  6. NR6E Mikkel
  7. KH2BI Will
  8. NH7WG Bruce
  9. KM6FOY Bill
  10. AJ6EE Kevin
  11. AE6H Ray
  12. WB6UOO Claude
  13. N2GPD Matt

Net closed at 10:05

8/13/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. W6EDT Dale
    1. What are folks using to attach coax to eaves and what do you use to weatherproof the connections?
      1. Simple clips & mastic. The new silicone self adhesive tape is very nice, sticks to itself but not the connector. Some are not UV resistant.
      2. Scotch #2228 Rubber Mastic
  4. KM6FOY Bill
    1. Are there any differences or things to look out for on aluminum body vehicles with mobile antennas?
      1. Galvanic corrosion can be a problem, use an appropriate anti-corrosion paste.
  5. AJ6VT Phil
    1. Will mounting a mag mount mobile try-band on a 30ft long balcony rail be a problem?
      1. No, it should work. There are also other antenna designs out there that don’t need a ground plane.
  6. AJ6EE Kevin
  7. AE6H Ray
  8. NH7WG Bruce
  9. N1SPW Mike
  10. KM6BRC Matt

Net closed at 9:45am

8/6/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
    1. How to check isolation between ports on coax switch?
      1. NanoVNA will do a fine job.
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. KN6FPF John
    1. Best practice for antenna measurement/setup when operating portable? Measure/mark at home or test in field?
      1. Can get a lot of prep done before but will need to measure/tune depending on field conditions and how “perfect” you want to be.
      2. Keep a written log of what you have done and what worked in the field. Will give a record for faster setup and a starting point at new places.
  4. AI6WE Mike
  5. AE6H Ray
  6. AJ6EE Kevin
  7. KR6J Kenan
  8. W6EDT Dale
  9. WE4BY Greg
    1. Is there a way to operate field day stations on the same band simultaneously, filters or?
      1. Very hard to do, need a deep filter and will still get coupling. 60db-70db should work, 50db is not enough.
      2. Club has use of band-pass filters for field day.

Net closed at 9:48am.

7/16/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. KM6FPF John
    1. Do you need an antenna tuner when using a resonant antenna such as a 40M dipole?
      1. Not if the antenna is resonant. The tuner in your radio can handle small mismatches. A tuner will be needed for non-resonant or mismatched impedance.
      2. A tuner at the antenna feed point will reduce vswr loss in the cable.
      3. A balun is needed when impedance is mismatched.
  4. N6PM Greg
  5. KR6J Kenan
  6. AJ6EE Kevin
  7. K6WXN Tim
  8. K6RJO Rich
  9. WB6OO Claude
  10. AE6H Ray
  11. W6EDT Dale
    1. Please send articles for the propagator, your participation helps!
  12. KN6SIP Ravi
    1. Has a Xiegu G90 transceiver and is interest in opinion on the radio and antennas for portable use?
      1. Antennas don’t really care what radio they are connected to. A good antenna works on most all radios. Mag loops, simple dipoles, a wire in a tree with a tuner are all good.
      2. Keep it simple
  13. NR6E Mikkel

Net closed at 9:52am

7/2/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. AE6H Ray
    1. The club is looking for a Membership Director, will train. Please reach out to Ray.
    2. Opinions on amps? Tube vs. solid state? Price? What do people like?
      1. Tube amps are robust and less expensive. They do require more effort (tuning, band switching, etc.).
      2. Solid state can be “hands off” IF you spend big bucks, $5k+. LDMOS is more robust but still easy to damage compared to tubes.
  4. W6EDT Dale
    1. Looking for articles for the propagator.
  5. N5KCE
  6. KM6FPF John
    1. Can coax loss be measured at home?
      1. Yes, a spectrum analyzer works well for checking loss and other parameters. A VNA can also be used to get an idea.
        1. Tiny SA spectrum analyzer
        2. Nano VNA
    2. Does the SWR of an antenna change when you move it or change the radials?
      1. Yes! Most changes (coax, length, position, radials, the actual ground) can change SWR.
  7. N5KZV Bob
    1. Has built a mag loop antenna, needs an inexpensive way to turn the variable cap.
      1. Need a significant gear reduction, must be fine tuned do to high q. RC steering serve/control might work.
      2. Could do it cheaply with small 12vcd motor, a momentary DP switch and belt gear reduction.
  8. KN6YNE Eddy
    1. Looking for recommendations on HF antenna, needs to be HOA friendly.
      1. Dipoles for HF, easy to hide if you have trees. 66ft OCFD is a good starting point.
      2. ARRL books, Small Antennas for Small Spaces
  9. KR6J, Kenan

Net closed at 9:55am

6/18/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters 

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
    1. Lots of heavy noise on 40M in Mission Viejo
      1. Seems to be solar power systems, micro inverters on the panels.
      2. Could be e-vehicle chargers
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. Watch for an email with instructions on how to submit Field Day logs so the club can get credit.
  4. KM6FPF, John
    1. Are there major difference between low cost DMM’s and high end versions, specifically for voltage and continuity checks?
      1. No. There are many low cost DMM’s that are very well suited for these measurements. The differences are for more sophisticated use cases and features.
      2. Harbor Freight makes a great unit: Harbor Freight DMM Link
      3. Invest in quality leads, J-hook and alligator clip leads are very handy.
  5. KR6J, Kenan
    1. Will try to come by FD and operate CW.
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. W6EDT, Dale

Net closed at 9:45am

6/4/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed @ 9:32 am)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1. How finicky is ladder line? How far to keep away metal and surfaces?
      1. 2-3 feet of clearance from metal, Dale found standoffs were necessary. Ladder line WILL radiate so plan accordingly. Heiko has “Antenna Physics” book in library.
  3. WA6LDI, Phil
  4. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Has some Astron power supplies, has anyone adjusted voltage to charge batteries? 14+ volts. Will be used to charge LiFePo batteries with integrated BMS and charge controller.
      1. No one sees any issues with adjusting the output as long as it in within spec, 11-15v.
  5. KK6WXN, Tim
  6. KR6J, Kenan

Net closed at 9:43


5/21/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed @ 9:32 am)

  1. AD6OI, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed. logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6EDT, Dale
    1. switching radios and antennas
  5. W6INE, Eric
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. KR6J, Kenan
  8. KK6WXN, Tim
  9. AI6CG, Mark
  10. AJ6EE, Kevin
  11. KM6FPF, John

5/14/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed @ 9:38)

  1. K7KCE, Joe Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed. logging
    1. Q: Malahit DSP Radio MDR 2000 (Registered), no responses
  3. AD6OI, Heiko
    1. Variac bringing up tube radios, increase voltage slowly, wear face mask in case old caps blow up.
  4. WA6LDI, Phil
  5. W6EDT, Dale, on to OC Heart
  6. KR6J, Kevin
  7. AE6H, Ray
    1. SOARA auction 6pm this Monday night
  8. KK6WXN, Tim
    1. End fed antennas
    2. 102″ whip, mag mound on AC
    3. Ham sticks, with brackets, or ham sticks as a dipole
  9. KC1RAF, Ben
  10. KK6UMB, Tom
    1. Using Jpole antenna
  11. AI6WE, Mike
    1. step IR Urban beam installing

5/7/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed @ 9:18)

  1. K7KCE, Joe Net control
  2. AE6H, Ray
  3. KN6HI, Steve
    1. Has a new antenna design that uses a welding rod pushed into the to to tune a 1/4 vertical. May have a writeup for the propagator.
  4. AD6OI, Heiko
    1. The SOARA library at Heiko’s house will be open today from 1pm-4pm.

Net closed at 9:18am. A short one!

4/30/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed @ 9:42)

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. NR6E, Mikkel
  4. AE6H, Ray
  5. W6INE, Erik
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. KR6J, Kenan
  8. NJ6N, Brian
  9. KM6FPF, John
    1. Will an EFHW work hanging down from a balcony or tree?
      1. Yes it will. It will work as a vertical.
    2. Do most folks use the same power supply for both radio and tuner?
      1. Yes, there is a possibility of RFI or ground loops.
  10. K6RBS, Richard
  11. AI6WE, Mike
  12. K6EEE, Jim
  13. KE6GQO, Monte
  14. W6BOT, Rich
  15. WA6RUZ, Charley
  16. W6TRG, Tom

Net closed at 9:42am

4/16/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed @ 9:42)

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1. Tri-band antenna suggestions?
      1. Try Comet or Maldol antennas. The comet blends well.
      2. Ed Fong makes a tri-band too.
      3. Try painting black to keep it inconspicuous.
      4. A mobile adapter is available to use mobile antennas, DX Eng, MFJ, etc.
  3. AE6H, RAy
    1. What are folks using for FT8/JS8Call rig interface?
      1. Direct USB interface is very easy.
      2. MacLoggerDX provides direct CAT control and TCP/UDP interface to other software.
    2. Ray’s radios do not have USB, any experience with rig control units for older radios?
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. KR6J, Kennan
  6. KN6OFF, George
  7. KE6ZGR, Dale
  8. K6TJO, Tim
    1. Going to Cabo soon. Any tips for operating on Mexico?
      1. Does require a permit from the Mexican FTC.
  9. WD6E, Mike
  10. W6EDT, Dale
  11. N2GPD, Matt
    1. How is my audio?
      1. Sounds great.
  12. G7LWT/3B8
    1. Checking in from Mauritius

Net closed at 9:40am

4/9/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed @ 9:42)

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. WA6LDI, Phil, on the way to the candy store
  4. KN6OFF, George
    1. choke on coax lines
      1. how does it work? where to put choke?
      2. place choke where feed lines split on a dipole
      3. 6-8 turns of coax around a liter bottle.
      4. at feed point of antenna there will be current differences. Current goes down outside shield. A choke at the feed point reduces current.
      5. noise can be picked up on the outside of the shield. try a line isolator
      6. mix 31 or 43 ferrite core
  5. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Why PL tones
      1. why don’t clubs use pl tones, some members had radios that didn’t support tones
      2. no tone, try to keep things simpler
      3. cochannel repeaters need different pl tones
        1. something like 1.6 channels per repeater
    2. Receive pltones
      1. fully optional, squelch will only open for the tone and other transmissions are blocked
    3. Radar, what radar?
      1. 440 secondary to military
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. K6EEE, Jim
  9. W6EDT, Dale
  10. KR6J, Kenan
  11. NJ6N, Brian
  12. KM6FPF, John

4/2/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed 9:30 am)

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. link to battery
      1. LiFePo4 20ah delivers less than 20A
      2. returning 20ah and getting 36ah
  3. WA6LDI, Phil
  4. K6EEE, Jim
  5. KR6J, Kenan
  6. K7KCE, Joe
    1. wspr beacon, 200mw, 40,20,15, 10 meters, Antarctica
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. AJ6EE, Kevin
  9. KM6FOY, Bill
  10. W6EDT, Dale
    1. how to switch multiple radios and antennas?
      1. use high quality coax switches, like bird
      2. bird 65 dB isolation
      3. alpha delta 55 dB isolation
      4. AO3 antenna switch

3/19/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE Joe, logging
    1. Why do 2M & 70CM repeaters sound different?
      1. It could be due to differences in linking methods or different RF paths.
    2. An EFHW should have infinite impedance at the ends/feedpoint but in use it does not. Why?
      1. No antenna is perfect and don’t match theory. EFHW often use coax as an RF ground or counterpoise.
  3. KM6FOY Bill
    1. What radio or transmission method does NASCAR use to bring back video feeds?
      1. None of us really know but suspect 2.4ghz & 5ghz backhaul
  4. AJ6EE Kevin
  5. AD6OH Patti
  6. KN6TAF David
  7. AE6H Ray
  8. K6EEE Jim
  9. KN6NLJ Sam
  10. WB6RDO Bud

Net closed at 9:44am

3/12/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Net Control
  2. WA6ED Ed, Logging
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Grounding, hooking negative DC to ground? be causious if you try this.
    2. Does the linear amplifier short coax ground to chassis? need to check.
    3. Careful with testing with ohm meter. Need to test with RF not DC ohm meter.
    4. RF grounds use short wide brades to common RF ground
    5. Common RF ground bus needs to be low impeadance, like a copper pc board, or a copper buss plate
  4. NY6I, Charles
    1. logging what do you use?
      1. QRZ, LOTW, eQSL
      2. wsjtx logs to adi file. You can take this file and push it to LOTW etc.
      3. you can also setup logging to be automatic / realtime
  5. KR6RG, Roy
    1. 20 meter beacon in SJC 14.0956
  6. WB6RDO, Bud
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. AE6H, Ray
  9. AI6WE, Mike
  10. AJ6EE, Kevin
  11. K6NOV, Ray
  12. WD6E, Mike
  13. K7KCE, Joe

2/26/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED Ed, Net control
    1. RigExpert makes a very good analyzer. Made in Ukraine so may not be available soon.
  2. K7KCE Joe, logging
    1. Walking T-hunt on March 12th or 19th at Laguna Niguel Regional Park
  3. KR6J Kenan
    1. What do folks use to test capacitors? LCR meter or something else?
    2. Agilent makes a great LCR meter
  4. AI6WE Mike
  5. AE6H Ray
    1. Use common sense when responding to an emergency. Determine the nature of the emergency and the help needed, coordinate with emergency services. If you aren’t the responder, stay off the air and let them handle it.
  6. AJ6LU Harald
    1. Does anyone have any more information on coiling coax? Good, bad or no effect?
    2. Would be a good experiment for SOARA Saturday.
  7. KE6GQO Monte
  8. W6BOT Rich
  9. AD6OI Heiko
  10. K6EEE Jim

Net closed at 9:52am


2/19/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1. Why do we pause for Echolink traffic?
      1. Because it takes 3-5 seconds for the link traffic to come through, we need to leave them room.
  3. NJ6N Brian
  4. K6EEE  Jim
    1. Echolink, any restrictions on making contact with a foreign country through Echolink?
      1. May require you to follow normal restrictions on operating a remote transmitter in a foreign country.
  5. AE6H Ray
    1. What experience or recommend heights for 40M NVIS antenna, EFHW or dipole?
      1. DX Engineering has some good info, Heiko had good experience with low heights.
  6. NR6E Mikkel
  7. KN6OFF George
    1. 10M antenna from 8ft tall fence on top of 20ft slope. Should it be run parallel to fence or in “sideways V”?
      1. Height is important, get it 1/2 wavelength above the ground. A 10m dipole in a straight line should be easy to do, only 5M long. Keep bends above 90 deg, ideally 120.
  8. KM6FOY Bill
  9. K6RJO Rich
  10. WA6ED Ed
  11. AJ6LU Harald
  12. WD6E Mike
  13. NH7WG Bruce
  14. N6RRV Scott
    1. Can an EFHW have a 90 deg bend?
      1. Yes in an inverted L, not a good idea in a horizontal. Most reasonable antennas are a compromise, any antenna is better than no antenna.
  15. W6BOT Rick
    1. EZNEC is an antenna modeling software:
  16. KK6UMB Tom
    1. Do I need to log HF contacts for confirmation?
      1. Yes,, LoTW and EQSL are the popular ones.
  17. KI6WLP Craig
    1. Anyone familiar with the West Radio Epic Powergate? Any experience or thoughts?


Net closed at  10:01 am

2/12/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. feedback for SOARA Saturday’s. Email:
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Q: how would you build a mast side arm?
      1. for a discone antenna, maybe 3 pounds.
  4. AE6H, Ray
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
  6. AJ6EE, Kevin
    1. Discone antenna, mainly a wide band receive antenna
  7. K6NOV, Ray
  8. K7KCE, Joe
  9. NH7WG, Bruce, 73
  10. G7LWT Darren
  11. N6RRV, Scott
    1. HF signal at 100 watts, S9
    2. now 1000, maybe 1 or 2 s units higher
    3. not necessarily louder but clearer
    4. s9 100w to 500w 7 db up above s9
    5. need a calibrated s meter. S meters can be all over the place
    6. the real reason to increase power is to improve SNR (signal to noise)
    7. a directional antenna with rotor may help more
    8. 500w may be the sweet for power verses cost
  12. WD6E, Mike
  13. KE6GQO, Monte
  14. KN6FOA, Mitchel
    1. how to track down 2 meter interference?
    2. 3-7am interference
      1. grow lights?  could be anything.
    3. track down with a spectrum analyzer or SDR
    4. directional loop, article in the propagator for a 2 meter loop
    5. 144.0 MHz signal
    6. Who repairs Kenwood handhelds?

2/5/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, net control & logging
    1. balun presentation, will try to find
    2. Trying to get bluetooth going on an arduino
    3. messing with a arduno uno form factor ESP32
  2. AE6H, Ray
    1. DMR presentation today
  3. KI6DDB, Tom
    1. Biking and ham radio, for event radio comminucations
  4. WA6LDI, Phil
    1. Going to HRO
  5. NR6E, Mikkel
    1. Running errands and eating a crosant
  6. K6EEE, Jim
    1. Saying hello
  7. W6EDT, Dale
    1. PLL’s not working on a crystal oscilator
  8. W6BOT, Rich
    1. What are you guys doing with all those microprocessors?
  9. AJ6EE, Kevin
    1. build a servo controlled 7 segment type clock. We need a SOARA Saturday demo again. Way cool!

1/22/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
    1. SOARA Saturday 1/29, Gilleran Park 9am  noon, supporting winter field day
    2. Coffee and donuts will be provided.
    3. Placement of carbon monoxide detectors, instructions say keep out of reach of children and in another part mount no more than three feet from the floor.
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. Winter field day, 1/29 Gilleran Park
    2. Today, 1/22, Radio setup and testing at Gilleran Park, after this net
  4. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Propagator articles submit today
    2. coax crimp tools, suggestions on good ones?
  5. NR6E, Mikkel
  6. KE6GQO, Monte
    1. very windy here, 55 MPH gusts
  7. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Uses DX Engineering crimp tools
      1. wind about 30 MPH
    2. Winter Field Day, we do have a permit for 1/29
  8. K6RBS, Richard
    1. Carbon Monoxide slightly lighter than air

1/8/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
    1. Does everyone know where the club repeaters are located?
    2. Each is listed on the website with coverage maps:
  2. K7KCE, Joe, Logging
    1. Cool RF coverage maps can be generated here:
    2. Walking T-Hunt next Saturday January 15th at William R. Mason Park. Starts at 10am and runs until 1pm-2pm depending on interest. Come on out and have fun!
  3. W6BDV, Vlad
    1. Looking for 50V, 50A power supply. Willing to trade a lightweight tower.
    2. Suggested to use server power supplies.
  4. AJ6LU, Harald
  5. KR6J, Kenan
  6. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. New version of HamPi is out and very useful:
  7. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Doing well, staying busy.
  8. K0PGE, Ron
  9. NR6E, Mikkel
  10. N6RRV, Scott
    1. Found a great Yaesu YS-2000 wattmeter. Very useful and well built:
  11. WA6ED, Ed
    1. Working on some spare T-hunt antennas and offset attenuators.
  12. AE6H, Ray
  13. AI6WE, Mike

Net closed at 9:39 am

1/1/2022 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
    1. Happy New Year All!!!
  2. WA6ED, Ed, Logging
    1. Anyone want to make a 2 meter MLA?
  3. KR6J, Kenan
    1. Reading Navy electronics books
  4. K6UVR, Steve
    1. porta-mobil on a walk
  5. K6NOV, Ray
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. Echo-Link today, good to hear you today!

12/11/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net control & logging
  2. WA6LDI, Phil
  3. KN6OFF, George
  4. K6EEE, Jim
  5. NH7WG, Bruce
  6. AE6H, Ray
  7. K6MSM, Mike
  8. AD6OI, Heiko
  9. Notes:
    1. Raspberry Pi
      1. DigiPi image
        1. You have to pay $5 to get the image with Patreon. This payment(s) keeps the riffraff out.
      2. for Ham applications to run on a Raspberry Pi
        1. lots of info about stuff you may want to load onto a ham shack raspberry pi. Be sure to get the latest versions of each app.
      4. Kubermetes cluster info from LoRa discussion
    2. LoRa
    3. Ed researching most of day after the net, These are my “finds” so far:
      1. noVNC, maybe a remote way to control a Raspberry pi, I saw this in one of the DigiPi videos.
        2. still researching this one
      2. Webmin, really cool addition to remote control your Pi!
        2. I got this running on my raspad today, way cool
      3. DigiPi
        1. After watching some YouTube videos, I paid them the $5, downloaded the latest image. I plan to use it with the RPI02W
      4. RPIZ2W, (Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W)
        1. Went to Thingiverse and downloaded STLs for a case. This is the link to the case I liked…
        2. The new RPIZ2W’s are hard to get. I went to and reserved one online. Then after the confirmation email, I went to the store in Tustin and bought it. Then I proceeded in spending more money there. Don’t go to Microcenter. This is dangerous for your pocketbook.

12/04/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net control
  2. WA6Ed, Ed, Logging
    1. loop vs mag loop antennas
      1. loop is a simple wire
      2. mag loops are simple too but have challenges like the high voltage capacitor
        1. the cap needs to be made for the expected voltages. So spacing of the plates are important.
      3. narrow bandwidth so re-tuning is often needed, also narrow bandwidth keeps the noise out too
        1. it only picks up signals over that narrow bandwith
      4. High voltage can be dangerous, do not touch the capacitor while transmitting.
  3. WA6LDI, Phil, driving to HRO
  4. KK6CHF, Jeff
    1. Mag loop antennas are smaller, more portable, more hoa friendly
    2. Mag loop antennas can couple with metal near by
  5. KR6J, Kenan
  6. AE6H, Ray
    1. 3 inch square lights
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. propagation question, significant deltas over time
      1. can be fickle, conditions can change quickly
      2. smoke and mirrors, maybe reflections
      3. wind can cause static, pops and clicks
      4. antennas an make  difference based on radiation pattern of the antenna
        1. sometimes a verticals are better
        2. sometimes a dipole if better if it is pointed in the right direction
        3. sometimes a yagi is better if you need to focus the rf energy in the right direction
  8. KN6HI, Steve
  9. W6EDT, Dale
  10. K6UVR, Steve
  11. NR6E, Mikkel, hi and bye

11/27/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. KK6CHF, Jeff, Net Control
    1. What does the RF Gain control actually do? Does it improve SNR?
      1. Maybe. Can lower level of noise floor but also lowers signal. On some radios also changes AGC.
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
    1.  What is this antenna?
      1. Could be an “egg beater” DF antenna.
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. Useful website for seeing a map of local hams:
  4. K6EEE, Jim
    1. How does an operator give a signal report in FT8 or JS8Call?
      1. SNR is reported by the software in db relative to the whole 2.5khz band:
  5. KN6OIS, Phil
    1. What effect does wind have on VHF/UHF propagation?
      1. Causes static build up on both antennas, adds pop & crackle, can reduce receive sensitivity.
      2. Does not impact HF skip as ionosphere is above winds.
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. K6UVR, Steve
  8. AJ6LU, Harald
  9. AI6WE, Mike

Net closed at 9:53am

11/13/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, logging
  3. N5KZV, Bob
    1. Has Baofeng that keeps cutting in and out on receive, what could be causing this?
      1. Check squelch level
      2. Check antenna connection, the nut may be loose
      3. Check battery charge level
  4. WA6ED, ED
    1. Any experience with running Parallels on M1 based Macs?
      1. Emulation can be a challenge, often there are compatibility problems and bugs
      2. Joe will install on Mac M1 and try it, will report back to Ed.
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Modeling antennas, radials can have high voltages, why have elevated radials on ground planes?
      1. Keeps them out of the way and out of reach where high voltages can develop.
  6. AE6H, Ray
    1. How to get Chirp working on MacOS 11?
      1. Right click on file from a finder window, select “Open”, may have to do this twice.
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. KE6GQO, Monty
  9. W6BOT, Rich
    1. Hear operators on 80M that respond very quickly and also are on video at the same time. How are they doing it?
      1. They set up a Zoom, Teams, etc. meeting online and talk via radio instead of the computer audio.

Net closed at 9:45am PST


11/06/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. K7KCE, Joe
    1. IC-7300 preamp,
      1. turn down RF then change preamp to optimize / minimize noise or improve signal
      2. play with it
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. GMRS, why no 5MHZ input output
    2. like ham radio, pay more for license
  5. AJ6EE, Kevin
  6. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. rig pi, experience?
      1. code costs money, promise of source code for a very long time.
      2. Software for RigPi will be available on GitHub as a free, open-source download. Add your own features to RSS!
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. KR6J, Kenan
  9. K6UVR, Steve
  10. KN6KHN, John
  11. KM6ZPI, Kevin
  12. N5KZV, Bob
    1. WSJTX logs to LOTW, TQSL point to log adi file
  13. W6UXT, Mike
    1. software radio on a mac
      1. KR6J, try, utah websdr
      2. K7KCE, websdr, cubiq sdr with sdr dongle like rtlsdr, needs receive antenna too
      3. AE6H, utah SDR mainly ham bands, RTLSDR other frequencies as well
  14. K6EEE, Jim

10/30/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
    1. Should we keep the Net post-Covid?
      1. All responses were in favor of keeping the Net.
    2. How do we get more volunteers for Net Control?
    3. Matter Hackers are having a sale at the Lake Forest location.
  2. K7KCE, Joe, Logging
  3. K6EEE, Jim
  4. AE6H, Ray
    1. What are good repeaters in the Las Vegas area?
      1. No answers.
    2. Can Fusion repeaters also be used for analog?
      1. Yes, they support FM along with CFM modes. Must be configured by the owner/operator.
      2. Make sure you know the PL tone to activate TX/RX.
  5. WA6LDI, Phil
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. NH7WG, Bruce
  8. KM6FOY, Bill
  9. KN6OYS, Phil
  10. K6TJO, Tim
  11. KR6J, Kenan
    1. Has anyone heard the Long Beach 28.244 MHz beacon recently?
      1. No.
  12. KK6CUR, Kevin
  13. WA6ED, Ed

Net closed at 9:38 am PDT

10/16/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, Logging
  3. WA6ED, Ed
    1. Any favorite Linux applications to use on Raspberry Pi tablet?
      1. Octoprint
  4. KN6LZK, Mike
    1. Suggestions on getting better at ham radio hobby?
      1. SOARA Saturdays, Tech Net, get on radio and talk, hams are kind and helpful so ask questions.
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. LDG auto tuner always retunes on 40M not on other bands?
      1. Check SWR on 40M, may be high. Increase autotune setting.
  6. K6TJO, Tim
  7. NR6E, Mikkel
  8. KR6J, Kenan
  9. KN6OFF, George
    1. Tips on wall penetration for 1 in. PVC pipe?
      1. Use larger diameter pipe, use gray electrical PVC with screw on ends.
  10. NH7WG, Bruce
  11. AE6H, Ray
    1. 2011 MacBook Pro won’t boot, don’t hear HDD spin but do hear clicks, gray screen, any suggestions?
      1. Try swapping HDD, Tech Tool Pro boot from recovery USB and run diagnostics on HDD.
  12. W6BOT, Rich
  13. KK6CHF, Jeff

Net closed at 9:51 am PDT

10/09/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. K7KCE, Joe, Logging
  3. KM6FPF, John
    1. What simplex freq steps do most use on VHF/UHF? Use TASMA band plan.~15Khz
    2. Any experience using repeaters in Europe? Do they all use 750 Mhz tone or move to a more US style tone system?
  4. W6EDT, Dale
    1. What type of counterpoise are folks using for random wire antennas?
  5. AE6H, Ray
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. NH7WG, Bruce
  8. K6MSM, Mike

Net closed at 9:42am PDT.

10/02/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. grounding the shack
      1. Motorola R56 document
  3. KM6FOY, Bill
  4. KR6J, Kenan

9/18/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. K7KCE, Joe
  5. N1SPW, Mike
  6. NJ6N, Brian
  7. WO5H, Dave
  8. K6RBS, Richard
  9. KK6CUR, Kevin
  10. K6EDT, Dale
  11. K6LMR, Lou
  12. KN6OFF, George

9/11/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. K6MSM, Mike
  4. NR6E Mikkel
    1. metal surrounds for wooden stakes, try industrial metal supply in Irvine
  5. K6EDT, Dale
    1. antenna feed line on roof, plate bolted to wall. copper or aluminum
      1. mfj window feed through
      2. bulkhead
      3. georgia copper
  6. NH7WG, Bruce
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. KR6J, Kenan
  9. AE6H, Ray
  10. KM6FOY, Bill
  11. KN6OUS, Tim
  12. K6TJO, Tim
  13. KN6ASR, Deon
  14. AF6GL, Tim

9/4/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
    1. gamma match tuning
      1. adjust for one frequency may affect the other
      2. use antenna analyzer, mark current setting, then move and test for optimal
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. conductive ABS, label was generic, will research further…
  3. WA6LDI, Phil
  4. AE6H, Ray
    1. alinco 235 programming
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
  6. KK6CHF, Jeff
  7. NH7WG, Bruce
  8. W6EDT, Dale
    1. vertical with radials, what antenna do you use?
  9. K6WHC, Scott
  10. KK6CUR, Kevin

8/14/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. N6TIK, John
    1. Sun rot on coax cable,
    2. lube connector, maybe non-conductive, concern about changing things
      1. silicone rubber tape, self sealing to itself,
        1. stretch while wrapping connector to vulcanize together the layers, remove the backing while stretching.
        2. Home depot calls it splicing tape, maybe cheaper.
      2. dielectric grease, stops oxidation, moisture, & corrosion
        1. KI6LOM uses this stuff
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. AI6WE, Mike
  6. NH7WG Bruce
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. NR6E, Mikkel
  9. WE4BY, Greg
  10. KN6CUV, Darren
  11. AE6H, Ray
  12. KD6IYJ, Nick
  13. KN6IQ, Larry

8/7/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, logging & Net Control
  2. WD6E, Mike
    1. Any solar cycle news?
      1. ARRL weekly newsletter
      2. Pat Cook K7RA
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Ground rods with antennas
    2. Dipoles probably don’t need a RF ground. But a ground rod with a Polyphaser is likely good for static bleed.
    3. Vertical antennas do need a counterpoise or ground of some sort.
  4. KN6OFF, George
  5. KK6CHF, Jeff
  6. K7KCE, Joe
  7. AI6CG, Mark
  8. AE6H, Ray
  9. KI6QBM, Kriss
  10. WA6LDI, Phil
  11. K6JKB, Jim
    1. Rigs and coffee event
  12. NR6E, Mikkel


7/31/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
    1. Digital modes
      1. Digital modes, FT8
      2. WSJTX, FT8, 144.174 MHz, 432.530MHz
      3. Digital Voice DSTAR
      4. FT8 like CW and others like FM
      5. Use SDR to look at RF transmissions
    2. When to throw away a alkaline battery?
      1. Recycle bin when they quit working
      2. Discard when it quits operating
      3. Leaking issue when discharged
      4. Toss 1.38v and below
      5. 1.5V good, new
      6. between 1.5v & 1.4V good
      7. under 1.4V recycle
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. SOARA Saturday ideas (SES)
      1. debugging radio problems with instruments
      2. radio programming clinic
        1. Chirp
        2. Manual from keypad
      3. New FCC RF emission rules
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. 80 foot high pulley points, what antenna would you use
      1. end fed antenna
      2. dipole, how much room on each side?
      3. 130 feet to another point
      4. pulley in the corner
      5. Inverted L?
  4. KR6J, Kenan
  5. AE6H, Ray
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
    1. SES, radio programming clinic
  7. WB6RDO, Bud
    1. Working on Satellites
  8. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. SES Chirp programming
  9. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. 50 foot end fed, 40M, 60M, random length
  10. N6TIK, John
  11. K7KCE, Joe
  12. KK6CHF, Jeff
  13. W6DE, Mike
  14. K6TJO, Tim


7/17/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. menus on different Icom radio, similar but not identical
  4. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Small MLA, maybe limit to 10-20 watts
  5. K6EEE, Jim
  6. WB6RDO, Bud
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. KM6FOY Bill
  9. NR6E, Mikkel
  10. AJ6LU, Harald
  11. KR6J, Kenan
  12. W6EDT, Dale
  13. K6UMB, Tom
  14. K6RBS, Richard

7/3/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. SOARA Saturday 7/24 at Gilleran Park
    2. topics?
      1. Tinysa spectrum analyzer and instrumentation
      2. NanoVNA
      3. Setup a HF rig
      4. Maybe setup a SDR too.
  3. AI6WE, Mike
  4. N6TIK, John
    1. learn CW, Code quick
    2. try starting at 20 wpm, train ear to rhythm
    3. 60% copy / 40% transmit
    4. practice daily, 30 minutes
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. High voltage diff probes oscilloscopes?
  6. NISPW, Mike
    1. Field day postmortem
      1. generator and power supply fixed
      2. discuss at next meeting
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. AE6H, Ray
  9. K7KCE, Joe
  10. NH7WG, Bruce

6/19/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. which antenna am I using on the roof?
      1. ohm, disconnect coax, short one end, see which one is shorted with ohm meter.
      2. use vna, disconnect all antennas and then measure one connected at a time
      3. x low power sniffer
      4. led on antenna, maybe neon bulb?
  4. N1SPW, Mike
    1. Testing during field day?
      1. Definite maybe, contact
  5. AI6WE, Mike
    1. fer-rite chokes affects antenna?
      1. choke reduces common mode current
      2. if off center fed antenna, feed line could be part of antenna, then choke may make a difference, take measurements with a VNA to verify
  6. AE6H, Ray
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. W6EDT Dale
  9. AI6CG, Mark
  10. KR6J, Kenan
    1. PCB design, what software
      1. KiCad, open source, free
      2. Eagle,  4 layers free
      3. Pads, expensive
  11. KM6FOY, Bill
  12. K6RBS, Richard
    1. need ham radio 440 comms for MV fireworks event, email Charlie
  13. KN6HI, Steve
    1. counterpoise
    2. ground radials

6/12/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. triodes, 3-500z what are differences?
    2. ceramic likely to last longer due to better seal at pins
  3. N6TIK, John
    1. wall warts
      1. Parasitic current, yes, get a kill-a-watt to measure current, wattage etc.
      2. RF radiation
        1. will radiate based on quality
        2. different noise with load vs no load
      3. Inline rocker switch outlet
        1. plug in wall wart
        2. just flick rocker switch for each outlet to save parasitic power
  4. K7KCE, Joe
    1. LoRa, how to send call sign?
      1. if within power requirements, no callsign requirements needed
      2. if amateur radio amplification, send call sign as ASCII comment
      3. 1 watt at 900MHz or less, likely okay
      4. 400MHz may need a license
      5. Key is not to interfere with others
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. feed point impedance for an off center fed dipole, vertically polarized, how to calculate?
      1. perhaps just measure it empirically.
  6. AE6H, Ray
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. NR6E, Mikkel
  9. KI6LOM, Jim
  10. N1SPW, Mike
  11. KK6CUR, Kevin

6/5/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6GQO, Monte
    1. RIT, adjust RX frequency separately from TX frequency
  4. KN6GAM, Matt, Firewatch
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. DC high voltage, current limited
      1. use to test HV caps, insulated enclosure
    2. GPS 10 MHZ oscillators
  6. K6MSM, Mike
    1. Bad barrel connector,
      1. Possible causes: insulation installed incorrectly, bad crimp, insulation creeping into connection adding capacitance, short, open.
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. NH7WG, Bruce
  9. KB0J, Larry
  10. KR6J, Kenan
  11. K7KCE, Joe
  12. AI6WE, Mike
  13. KK6CHF, Jeff
  14. N1SPW, Mike
  15. K6RBS, Richard

5/29/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. Old linear amplifier refurbish checklist (not a complete list)
      1. Get Elmer help if you never did this before!
      2. Stand on a rubber insulating mat, high voltages are dangerous!
      3. Be careful with high voltages, be sure to unplug amplifier from outlet and let the high voltages dissipate.
        1. High voltages are dangerous! Let voltages dissipate to zero.
        2. Properly test voltage safety with a high voltage probe & meter
          1. Check tube anode voltage, use a bleeder resistor to ground,
            1. 2 watt, 10-100 ohms, never short tube anode directly to ground. (otherwise you may damage tube)
        3. Never touch anything metal inside a linear amplifier until you test voltage levels.
      4. Dust it out, clean it
        1. dirt and contaminants could enable arcing
      5. Check plastic parts for aging, cracks, wear
        1. replace plastic parts as needed
      6. Check old capacitors
        1. Caps on input may need replacement, test input good SWR
      7. If you wake up across the room on the floor, go back and reread high voltage safety. If you didn’t wake up. Well, I hope you have good insurance for your family.
  3. AJ6EE, Kevin
  4. AE6H, Ray
  5. K6UVR, Steve
  6. K6MSM, Mike
  7. KI6LOM, Jim
  8. W6EDT, Dale
    1. ladder line have different impedances, why? 300 ohm, 600ohm
    2. some build their own ladder line, trying to not be part of the radiator
  9. K7KCE, Joe
  10. NR6E, Mikkel
  11. KN6FOA, Michel
  12. K6RBS, Richard
  13. AJ6LU, Harald

5/15/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AE6H, Ray, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. WA6LDI, Phil, going to the candy store
  4. WB6RDO, Bud
    1. corroded aluminum antenna, how to take apart
      1. carefully try heat
      2. cold like ice for the opposite tube
      3. strap between each side to make an electrical connection
    2. Assembling
      1. clean aluminum joint well
      2. Burndy, PENETROX A
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. what publications do you subscribe?
    2. QRZ, QEX,
    3. Radio club of America, Papa Systems emails
    4. GQRP / Sprat published quarterly
    5. QRP ARCI, qrp quarterly
    6. CQ magazine
    7. Nuts & Volts
    8. Elektor
  6. N6JCN, Jim
  7. KR6J, Kenan
  8. KM6FOY, Bill
  9. K7KCE, Joe
  10. KK6CHF, Jeff
    1. JS8CALL conversational mode
  11. NH7WG, Bruce

5/8/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. K7KCE, Joe
    1. call sign when tuning required?
      1. Heiko, yes callsign at end of tuning
      2. Mikkel,  maybe not necessary when tuning, I think???
      3. Jeff, < signal broken up on 70cm >, switched to 2m much better.
      4. Richard, some wiggle room, polite and nice to do it. brief transmission to make adjustments to station probably okay.
  4. W6EDT, Dale
    1. legal limit tuners, why do you prefer one over another?
      1. K6RBS, requirements, price, ladder line, bands supported MFJ-976
      2. WA6ED, bought MFJ-962D used, seems to work
      3. AD6OI, MFJ-986
  5. NR6E, Mikkel
  6. AE6H, Ray
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. Bluetooth, freq hopper, multiple frequencies, range, microphone ear piece 2.5mw
  8. K6RJO, Rich
  9. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. Chameleon, emcom III antenna, 80-10M
  10. N1SPW, Mike
  11. KR6J, Kenan
  12. KN6NOV, Ray
  13. K6RBS, Richard
  14. KK6CHF, Jeff
  15. K2DNA, Ramon
    1. Can you use your wife’s call sign? If wife at control point yes. Otherwise, no.

5/1/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. ID-5100 with bluetooth UT133A & Pryme BTH 600-IC
  3. AJ6EE, Kevin
  4. AE6H, Ray
    1. What is the simplex activity today? 9am RACES ARES simplex testing, IDEC, SET Test
  5. KB0J, Larry
  6. AJ6LU, Harald
  7. K6LMR, Lou
  8. K7KCE, Joe
    1. beaconing on a IC4100, monitoring 70cm,
      1. try Facebook forum on DSTAR beaconing
    2. Laguna DSTAR repeaters, linked? no
      1. DSTAR net Wed at 8pm & reflector 88 which belongs to Brian
  9. K6NOV, Ray
    1. MFJ & Diamond telescoping antennas for HT
  10. K6RBS, Richard
  11. KE6BNS, Jeff
  12. KE6GQO, Monte
  13. NR6E, Mikkel


4/24/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. K7KCE, Joe
    1. No ground plane needed, how it works?
      1. Mikkel
        1. maybe an end fed dipole
        2. heavy metal base
      2. Ray
        1. comet antenna makes one requiring no ground plane
        2. stick with common brands like comet or diamond
      3. Bill
        1. CR320a mag mount on metal plate
        2. some antennas will work with mag mounts some wont. Be careful what you buy
  4. W6EDT, Dale
    1. g5rv Antenna tuner with a linear amplifier, Palstar tube amp
    2. Mikkel
      1. Tunes with amp in bypass, then adjust with amp at low power
    3. Sunday solar storm, necessary to disconnect antenna?
      1. if you have a lightning arrester?
      2. maybe time to get on and experiment?
      3. if lightning nearby, good to disconnect antennas.
  5. AE6H, Ray
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. W6VDV, Vern
  9. KR6J, Kenan
  10. WB6HRO, Joe
  11. K6RBS, Richard
  12. AJ6EE, Kevin

4/17/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
    1. analog wattmeters different, needs to be calibrated
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KR6J, Kenan
    1. dBd, dBi, 35w, 13dBd antenna gain
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. NR6E, Mikkel
  6. KB0J, Larry
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. KK6CHF, Jeff
  9. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  10. KE6GQO, Monty

4/10/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. AI6WE, Mike
  6. W6EDT, Dale
    1. roof off, long Ethernet runs, inside conduit, coax in conduit?
    2. fiber, keep it clean.
  7. K7KCE, Joe
    1. use wifi or fiber
    2. SFP’s can generate hash
    3. Ethernet cables radiates hash
    4. Links to K9YC website links
      1. K9YC
      2. K9YC

4/3/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. Use seamless aluminum gutters as antenna? end fed or loop?
    2. Stainless fittings, conductive grease
    3. Do I need a ground?
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. What repeaters to use when on the road? 15 North, 10 East? etc.
    2. Try repeater book, ARRL CD, websites
  4. AJ6EE, Kevin
  5. AI6WE, Mike
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. How to get PL tone from the radio?
    2. Search for RK-560, frequency and CTCC / DCS decoder
  7. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Radio in truck, what works and doesn’t work?
      1. Power directly from battery, fuse both + & –
      2. Use ground from battery and not chassis to avoid ground loops
      3. Comet or diamond fold over antenna
      4. Havis auto power off.
      5. Automatic power off set to something (APO)
      6. Careful on battery drain on HF while engine not running.
  8. N1SPW, Mike
    1. OC radio control club, Murray center closed to end of year 2021.
  9. KR6J, Kennith
  10. KB0J, Larry
  11. N6RRV, Scott
  12. NY6I, Charles
  13. K6RJO, Rich
  14. K6RBS, Richard
  15. KN6FOA, Mitchel

3/27/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. KN6CXD, Mike
  6. K7KCE, Joe
  7. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Open bands? how to find?
      1. tune in & listen
      2. dx spots, dx watch
      3. idxcluster, free
      4. psk reporter
  8. KR6J, Kenan
  9. KB0J, Larry
  10. K6EEE, Jim
    1. Icom 51a plus, hard reset, restore reflectors?
  11. AI6WE, Mike

3/20/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
      1. MK4 sniffer case
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Coupling from HF TX to other antennas
    2. dipole to diamond x510, +17-20dB
  4. KB6POE, Richard
  5. KK6CHF, Jeff
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. NH7WG, Bruce
  9. AJ6LU, Harald
  10. AE6H, Ray
  11. K6EEE, Jim
  12. K6RBS, Richard
  13. K6WHC, Scott
  14. N6RRV Scott

3/13/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6INE, Erik
    1. on echolink
  5. K6WHC, Scott
  6. KI6LOM, Jim
  7. N6RRV, Scott
  8. K6RJO, Rich
  9. KM6FOY, Bill
  10. KR6J, Kenan
  11. W6EDT, Dale
    1. tin copper flex weave wire,
  12. K6RBS, Richard
    1. 10M open!
  13. AJ6EE, Kevin
  14. NR6E, Mikkel
  15. K6EEE, Jim
  16. AI6WE, Mike

3/6/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. N6TIK, John
    1. APRS turning off notifications
  4. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Synthesized radios? non-crystal for each frequency, anything with a PLL type frequency source
    2. Kenwood TMD-710, wants display & APRS
  5. K6UVR, Steve
    1. Optics to see whilst soldering
      1. USB digital microscope
      2. AmScope 7x-90x
      3. lens over camera on cell phone
      4. lighted lamp magnifier with large lens, mounted video camera to big screen monitor
      5. dentist binocular glasses with led illumination $12 Jewelry magnifiers
      6. Amscope with an articulating arm, working distance important
  6. W6EDT, Dale
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. KM6FOY, Bill
  9. K6FTL, Alex
  10. NY6I, Charles
  11. AJ6EE, Kevin
  12. K6WHC. Scott
  13. KR6J, Kenan
  14. K6RJO, Rich
  15. N6RRV, Scott
  16. K6RBS, Richard

2/27/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KC7CKI, Aaron
    1. Injector noise in diesel pickup?
    2. sound varies slightly with throttle
    3. K9YC
  4. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Son talking on radio without license
    2. Similar to guest on GOTA station, use father’s call sign, father (control operator) must be physically present.
  5. AJ6LU, Harald
    1. RFI jump through coax cable to another in a conduit about 12 inches or so.
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. K6RJO, Rich
  8. NH7WG, Bruce
  9. AE6H, Ray
  10. W6EDT, Dale
  11. N6RRV, Scott
  12. KK6CHF, Jeff
  13. KR6J, Kennon
  14. K6WHC, Scott
  15. NR6E, Mikkel
  16. KN6HI, Steve
  17. K6RBS, Richard

2/20/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. Tiny Spectrum Analyzer, portable, TFT, battery
    3. not the same as tinyvna!
    4. Beware of counterfeits! see website
  3. AJ6LU, Harald
  4. K7KCE, Joe
  5. AJ6EE, Kevin
  6. WD6E, Mike
  7. KN6CXD, Mike
  8. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. dipole antenna, inverted V
    2. height off ground important to radiation pattern
  9. N6TIK, John
    1. antenna and valley of skyscrapers
  10. KK6CHF, Jeff
    1. 1/4 wave vertical, random length 9:1 transformer (balun?)
    2. used antenna analyzer, found where it is tuned
    3. has anybody used an antenna without a tuner?
  11. W6BOT, Rich
    1. tuner protects radio by matching impedance
  12. K7COH, Cliff

2/13/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. How do you ground your shack? electrical, RF, lightning protection
  4. AE6H, Ray
    1. Midway, 7.250, 14.320 MHz
  5. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. K6RJO, Rich
  8. K7KCE, Joe
  9. KK6CHF, Jeff
  10. N6TIK, John
  11. AI6WE, Mike
  12. K6TJO, Tim
  13. K6WHC, Scott
  14. AJ6EE, Kevin
  15. N6RRV, Scott
  16. K6UVR, Steve
  17. KM6AFI, George
  18. W6BOT, Rich


2/6/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. APRS tracker?
    2. APRS.FI, using?
    3. APRS Droid?
    4. check out
  4. N6RRV, Scott
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
  6. N6TIK, John
    1. elk antennas, 50 watts
  7. W6EDT, Dale
  8. K7KCE, Joe
  9. K6EEE, Jim
  10. KK6CHF, Jeff
  11. KE6GQO, Monty
  12. KJ6URR, Kevin
  13. KR6J, Kenan

1/30/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. ID-5100 bluetooth? experiences?
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. Q: APRS beacons, how to find other signals, know where people are at.
      1. balloon transmits lat, long, & alt.
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. K6UVR, Steve
  6. K7KCE, Joe
  7. AJ6EE, Kevin, echo link
    1. FTM 400, APRS packets out serial port
    2. APRSISCE/32
  8. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Q: receiver for APRS packets on the air?
  9. K6WHC, Scott
    1. Cleaning antenna contacts today.

1/23/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6EDT, Dale
  5. KI6LOM, Jim
  6. KK6CHF, Jeff
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. W6VDV, Vern
  9. NR6E, Mikkel
  10. KN6HI, Steve
  11. K6RBS, Richard


1/16/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net Control, & logging
  2. AD6OI, Heiko
  3. W6EDT, Dale
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. KG6LZP, Ted
    1. SGC 230 tuner counterpoise, Kiss counterpoise multi-wires
    2. make sure to pick non-resonate wire lengths
    3. Make sure you don’t have arcing high voltage issues
    4. feed line choke
  6. AE6H, Ray
  7. KK6CHF, Jeff
  8. KN6CXD, Mike
  9. K7KCE, Joe
  10. KG6DCV, Jeff
  11. WI6X, Jim
    1. RX antenna port, T/R switch is one option
  12. K6UVR, Steve
  13. K6EEE, Jim
  14. AJ6EE, Kevin

1/9/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. K6CHF, Jeff
    1. 40 meters, cobra ultralight, poles, how to keep safe
    2. rebar in ground to inert mast at bottom, then guy the upper part of mast
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. KN6CXD, Mike
  6. W6EDT, Dale
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. K6RJO, Rich
  9. KB6POE, Richard
  10. K6RBS, Richard
  11. K6UVR, Steve
  12. K6WHC, Scott
    1. plastic cars no ground plane
      2. diamond antenna that does not require a ground plane
  13. KG6QWY, Ray
  14. AI6CG, Mark

1/2/2021 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. N6TIK, John
    1. ? coax type important for short lengths
      1. connectors can contribute to loss
  4. KK6LE, John
  5. WJ6F, Craig
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. K6RJO, Rich
  8. WE4BY, Greg
  9. KN6CXD, Mike
  10. KK6CHF, Jeff
  11. K6UVR, Steve
  12. KB6BXD, David
    1. warning about power on microphone jack
  13. KN6HI, Steve
    1. LDG YT1200 auto tuner, OCF dipole
      1. DX40 from radiowave
      2. MFJ2010
  14. AE6H, Ray
  15. K6EEE, Jim
  16. NR6E, Mikkel
  17. W6INE, Erik
  18. KI6WLP, Craig
  19. AJ6EE, Kevin
  20. N6VEG, John

12/26/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. THD74 issue with antenna
    2. tested antenna with nano vna, looked good
    3. Scott,
      1. cx333 then a diamond stubbie, worked well if in the open.
    4. Ray, what type of connector? Ask comet antennas?
      1. radioddity has antennas
    5. Ed
      1. maybe a marginal connector with some antennas?
    6. Jim, try resetting radio?
    7. Heiko
      1. check with Mick(sp?) at comet?
  4. AE6H, Ray
    1. how to do APRS without buying a $500 radio?
      1. app for
  5. K6EEE, Jim
  6. NH7WG, Bruce
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. N6NHP, John
    1. Matching multiple antennas with coax
    2. 1 cm accuracy
    3. methods to tune
  9. K6WHC, Scott
  10. K6NOV, Ray
  11. K6TJO, Tim
  12. KM6FOY, Bill

12/19/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. WA6LDI, Phil
  4. KE6GQO, Monte
    1. best way to setup dipole for EU?
    2. wire north south
    3. computer apps to show true compass setting, correct for mag north
  5. K7KCE, Joe
    1. recommendations for logging software on the mac,
      1. Tim, Log for OM
      2. Ray, print a cabrillo file, n3fjp
      3. Rich, N1MM
  6. K6RJO, Rich
  7. NH7WG, Bruce
  8. AE6H, Ray
  9. KM6FOY, Bill
  10. K6WHC, Scott
  11. WE4BY, Greg
    1. dipole, instead using a telescoping fiberglass pole, 30 feet up in the air
    2. mostly 20 & 40 meters
    3. try a wire to the side
    4. tilt away from desired direction
    5. Wants a raspberry pi touch screen logging software, for mobile use.
  12. W6EDT, Dale
    1. time for articles, Propagator soon!
  13. K6MSM, Mike
    1. having fun with t hunts
  14. K6TJO, Tim
    1. Astron vibration, maybe some enclosure plates, try a paper shim
    2. call and ask Astron?
  15. KM6VMI, Stan
    1. small antennas, compact antenna? Any experience?
  16. KK6CUR, Kevin

12/12/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6EDT, Dale
  5. KE6GQO, Monte
  6. K6TJO, Tim
    1. Q: how to electronically lengthen or shorten an antenna
      1. dielectric
      2. coil & tap? move tap changes inductance, looking for resonate point at the frequency you desire.
  7. KN6HI, Steve
    1. ARRL Antenna book, smith chart with nano vna
    2. Oscilloscope, bandwidth of scope, Rigol, 4 channel, 50 to 100MHz, up-gradable with hack to 200MHz.
    3. cheap logic analyzer:
  8. W6INE, Erik
  9. NR6E, Mikkel
  10. KM6FOY, Bill
  11. WI6X, Jim
  12. NH7WG, Bruce
  13. K6EEE, Jim
  14. WB6HRO, Joe
  15. KM6SLF, Bill

12/05/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. TYT 7800 shipped locked, website Chinese
    2. How to unlock? picture of a key, hold down 3 seconds
    3. sheet how to unlock frequency, power on, remove by turning off power supply  hold down p1 & p2 turn power supply back on
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. on 2 meters mobile antenna, diamond cr320a attach a radial and don’t use mag mount. Why?
    2. maybe needs radials as a counterpoise
  5. NR6E, Mikkel
  6. KI6CG, Mark
  7. K6NOV, Ray
  8. W6EDT, Dale
    1. What schematic capture software do you use?
  9. K6WHC, Scott
  10. W6UXD, Mike
    1. ID5100, led light bars, see a signal on LEDs
      1. noise generated by LEDs?
      2. RF coupling into LED controller? ferrites may help on 12v to light bar.
  11. KE6GQO, Monty
    1. PL’s and repeaters, advantages and disadvantages of a high vs low pl
    2. same PL’s, older repeaters tone boards or dip switches.
  12. K6RJO, Rich

11/28/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AJ6EE, Kevin
    1. inverted V 20-25 feet up worth the effort.
    2. Ideally 1/2 wave up, higher the better.
    3. 6 foot fence line works but not optimal.
  4. NR6E, Mikkel
  5. K6RJO, Rich
    1. Ed Fong’s SDR radio,
  6. W6EDT, Dale
    1. coax crimping tools, what’s good
    2. Rich, check seem to work fine, dies for rg8x, hex die to crimp shield
    3. Joe, DX engineering, ultra grip 2 with die $58,
  7. KI6LOM, Jim
    1. in a canyon with dipole 12 feet up to
  8. WA6LDI, Phil
  9. KK6CUR, Kevin
    1. crimps on boats a lot, marine supply
    2. Jpole question, what type of connector, check their website, SO-239 default, N $5 extra
    3. nanovna in Ed Fong presentation. R&L Electronics.
  10. KN6CXD, Mike
  11. K7KCE, Joe
  12. AI6CG, Mark
  13. K6EEE, Jim

11/21/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. no logging this day, Ed at work…

11/14/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
    1. DMR programming
    2. code plug not software, it’s settings / data
    3. get software working first, like read the data from the radio
    4. how to insert analog frequencies? added new zone for SOARA repeaters frequencies
    5. always save original configuration from the radio and safely save it away. Allows you to get back to a working start point.
    6. (Bruce) many radios, firmware update and customer software must match.
    7. (Bill) always check compatibility firmware & software
    8. how to check new radio firmware?
      1. (Mikkel)  varies on radio, look at manual, note firmware, check manufacturer’s website.
    9. (Mitchel) Be sure to set your callsign and DMR ID
    10. (Mikkel) manual is confusing? try searching YouTube
  4. KN6FOA, Mitchel
    1. Lithium ion 14.8v, 16.8 v to high for radio equipment. How to bring voltage down?
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. how to determine fm deviation. pick freq to determine deviation. Or set the amount of deviation at a frequency?
    2. signal link want to see 2.5KHz deviation? Do it by ear?
    3. (Mitchel), test by hooking audio output to oscilloscope, look at deviation there.
  6. K6EEE, Jim
    1. HT batteries, charged up, on high power 1-2 transmissions, time to by a new battery? or something else wrong?
    2. (Bill) batteries degrade over time, maybe 500-1000 cycles, check charge current
    3. (Ray) battery chemistry is a big variable, some batteries like NiCad have memory, lithium ion work well
    4. (Dale) chargers are different for different battery chemistry, be sure to use the correct charger.
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. NR6E, Mikkel
  9. NH7WG, Bruce
  10. K6FTL, Alex
  11. KD6JBL, Jerry
  12. AI6WE, Mike
  13. KK6CHF, Jeff
    1. CB radios, any interest for raffle or donate to new member?
      1. Yes, Heiko will take them and re-purpose through SOARA.
  14. K6MSM, Mike
  15. K6RBS, Richard

11/07/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. comet GP9
    2. FTM 400 & ID5100
    3. IC7300
    4. Elimination of electrical Noise, by Don Pinnock G3HVA (ARRL)
  3. W6EDT, Dale
    1. FT8800 base station radio
    2. Flex 6600
  4. K6EEE, Jim
    1. Icom 880
    2. THD74
    3. Kenwood 2000, KX3
    4. G5RV Jr, force flagpole
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. Yaesu 991a
    2. FTdx101d
    3. OCF dipole
  6. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Icom 7100
    2. Anytone 868
  7. KN6FOA, Mitchell
    1. THD74
    2. external j pole hanging with a zip tie
    3. 2 meter noise floor very high, even at street
  8. N6RRV, Scott
    1. Kenwood 870 + tcxo
    2. FT60
    3. Mot 7550e
    4. endfed for hf
    5. looking at Ed (Fong?) antennas
  9. K6RJO, Rich
    1. ID51 plus 2
    2. RA77 diamond antenna
    3. ladderline jpole N9TAX
    4. ID-5100
    5. IC-7100, 17′ vert with 33′ radials
  10. AJ6LU, Harald
    1. IC9700
    2. ID51
    3. Diamond X200 about 15 feet up
  11. K6TJO, Tim
    1. FT891
    2. endfed 134 feet
    3. Anytone 580 something
    4. Kenwood TD74
  12. HN6HI, Steve
    1. Kenwood 74a
  13. AI6WE, Mike
  14. K6RBS, Richard
    1. check noise floor with a SDR
    2. sunspots are baaaaaack!!!!!

10/31/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, logging & net control
    1. Questions / comments
      1. Get the ARRL antenna book and read it! lots of good stuff.
  2. KI6LOM, Jim
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. KB6POE, Richard
  6. K6EEE, Jim
    1. winding coax into a circle make an inductor, RF choke
    2. diameter?
    3. number of turns?
  7. KN6HI, Steve
  8. AJ6LU, Harald
    1. Winlink SW modem on PC IC9700
    2. Sound modems
    3. Brian’s blog
  9. NJ6N, Brian
  10. K6RBS, Richard
  11. AI6WE, Mike
  12. N6RRV, Scott
    1. New end fed Nelson, block stray RF, try ugly balun
  13. K6WHC, Scott
    1. TYT 9800, wants 2M, 440, 6 & 10M
  14. WE4BY, Greg
  15. W6EDT, Dale
  16. K6FTL, Alex
  17. K6UVR, Steve


10/24/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. Microphone current
      1. 2ma on cell phones
      2. 20ma microphone chips
      3. calculate from wattage of resistor
      4. looking for a cleaner install
  4. WA5C, Ben
  5. W6EDT, Dale
    1. antenna switching, looking at 5 switches
    2. UHF switch
    3. VHF Switch
    4. HF
    5. Antenna switches getting out of control
  6. WA6ED, Ed
    1. UBX-M8030, difficulty connecting serial, inverting data didn’t help.
  7. KI6LOM, Jim
  8. KE6GQO, Monty
  9. K6WHC, Scott
    1. Yaseu Vx5R
  10. N6RRV, Scott


10/17/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net Control & logging
    1. questions on:
      1. digital pl tones on papa system
      2. propagation not the same both ways
      3. programming Kenwood D74
  2. AD6OI, Heiko
  3. KM6FOY, Bill
  4. K6EEE, Jim
  5. KN6CFW, Toby
  6. KI6LOM, Jim
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. W6EDT, Dale
  9. KN6IRN, Ed
  10. KG6QCI, Dave, Ted & Max
  11. K6TJO, Tim
  12. N6RRV, Scott
  13. K6WHC, Scott
  14. K6RBS, Richard
  15. NR6E, Mikkel

10/10/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. AK4DB, Darren
  5. KM6FOA, Mitchel
    1. Replace RF power transistors
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. N6TIK, John
    1. RF vs Electrical Ground
  8. W6EDT, Dale
    1. Auction of donated test equipment, 10:30-1:30 Sat & Sun.
  9. NH7WG, Bruce
    1. 1/4 wave ground plane antennas?
    2. If in a field, mag mount with cookie sheet vs 1/4 wave ground plane with three counterpoise aimed down
    3. Try a jpole, pull up to top of tree
    4. 2 meters 146.580
    5. 19″ nagoya mag mount
  10. N6RRV, Scott
    1. Icom 275, rf gain knob, what does RF gain do?
  11. KI6LOM, Jim
  12. K6RBS, Richard
    1. Neighbor’s led lights generate RF
  13. K6UVR, Steve
  14. KM6HCC, Steve

10/03/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
    1. SOARA electronic badge
      1. Parallax,
      2. Adafruit, two versions
      3. Custom SOARA badge, (no recomendations on these links, just researching)
        1. TFT display, Raspberry Pi Zero W
          1. 1.54 inch tft
          2. 3.5 inch display
        2. Lipo battery
          1. Battery on Ebay
          2. Different bigger battery on Ebay
        3. Post source code on Github
  3. KM6FOY, Bill
  4. K6WHC, Scott
  5. K6RJO, Rich
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. KI6LOM, Jim
  8. KB6HRO, Joe
  9. AE6H, Ray
  10. KG6LZP, Ed
    1. TNC variations, any types better?
      1. sound card
      2. Arduino version
        1. Mobilinkd
      3. built into radio
    2. Winlink
    3. Mobile radio recommendations for winlink?
  11. KB6POE, Richard

9/26/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KM6FOY, Bill
  4. KE6GQO, Monte
  5. KM6FPF, John
  6. K6EEE, Jim
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. AE6H, Ray
  9. K6RJO, Rich
  10. W6EDT, Dale
  11. AJ6LU, Harald
  12. KI6LOM, Jim
  13. W6UXD, Mike
  14. AI6WE, Mike
  15. KB6POE, Richard

9/19/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KM6FPF, John
  4. KI6LOM, Jim
  5. K6EEE, Jim
  6. K6TJO, Tim
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. W6UXD Mike
  9. K6RJO, Rich
  10. K7KCE, Joe
  11. W6BOT, Rich
  12. AE6H, Ray
  13. K6MSM, Mike

9/12/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. NH7WG, Bruce
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. K6UVR, Steve
  6. AE6H, Ray
  7. KM6FPF, John
  8. WA5C, Ben
  9. W7RTO Robin
  10. NR6E, Mikkel
  11. W6EDT, Dale
  12. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  13. KI6LOM, Jim

9/5/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko, Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  4. KM6FPF, John
  5. AE6H, Ray
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. WE4BY, Greg
  8. NR6E, Mikkel
  9. K6EEE, Jim
  10. K6RBS, Richard

8/29/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. KM6FPF, John
  5. K6NOV, Ray
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. K6RJO, Rich
  8. K6FTL, Alex
  9. KC6ACT, Greg
  10. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  11. K7KCE, Joe
  12. KN6CUV, Daren
  13. KI6LOM, Jim

8/22/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. W6EDT, Dale
  5. NR6E, Mikkel
  6. WB6HRO, Joe
  7. KI6LOM, Jim
  8. K6FTL, Alex
  9. K6WHC, Scott
  10. AI6WE, Mike
  11. K6EEE, Jim
  12. K6UVR, Steve
  13. K6RBS, Richard
  14. WE4BY, Greg

8/15/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KM6FPF, John
  4. K7KCE, Joe
  5. K6FTL, Alex
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. KI6LOM, Jim
  8. KN6AFR, Deon
  9. K6WHC, Scott
  10. AE6H, Ray
  11. KM6HCC, Steve
  12. W6INE, Erik
  13. K6RJO, Rich

8/8/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. K6NOV, Ray
  4. AE6H, Ray
  5. AJ6LU, Harald
  6. K6RJO, Rich
  7. W7RTO. Robin
  8. K6WHC, Scott
  9. NR6E, Mikkel
  10. W6EDT, Dale

8/1/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KC6FZY, Charlie
  4. KM6FPF, John
  5. K7KCE. Joe
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. AE6H, Ray
  8. K6JKB, Jim
  9. NH7WG, Bruce
  10. W6EDT, Dale
  11. KN6CVB, Bob
  12. K6NOV, Ray
  13. KK6CUR, Kevin
  14. K6RBS, Richard

7/25/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. AJ6EE, Kevin
  5. KM6FPF, John
    1. log periodic vs yagi
  6. W6EDT, Dale
    1. How to test gas discharge lightning protection devices
      1. Polyphaser whitepaper online
  7. K7KCE, Joe
  8. KN6BMR, David
  9. K6MSM, Mike
  10. KM6FOY, Bill
  11. KW6REX, Rex
  12. KI6LOM, Jim
  13. NR6E, Mikkel
  14. KN6ASR, Deon

7/18/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, Net Control & logging
  2. AE6H, Ray
    1. Microphones, Dynamic vs Condenser
  3. AD6OI, Heiko
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. New WSJTX
  5. K7KCE, Joe
    1. Antenna analyzers, discussed lab equipment, Rigexpert & NanoVNA
  6. W6EDT, Dale

7/11/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging
  3. KM6FPF, John
  4. K6WHC, Scott
  5. N67WG, Bruce
  6. K7KCE, Joe
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
  8. W6EDT, Dale
  9. KM6ASR Deon
  10. K6NOV, Ray

7/4/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (Closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging on
  3. KI6LOM, Jim
  4. AE6H, Ray
  5. W6EDT, Dale
  6. KM6FPF, John
    1. Q1, DSTAR, reflectors
    2. Q2, HF, vert antenna, radials pattern, does it matter?
  7. K6EEE, Jim
  8. KM6FOY, Bill
  9. NH7WG, Bruce
  10. K6RJO, Rich
  11. KN6JHQ, Joe
  12. K6TJO, Tim

6/20/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (Closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko Net Control
    1. Logger
  2. WA6ED, Ed, logging on
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. K6RJO, Rich
  5. AI6WE, Mike
  6. KM6RFI, Dave
  7. KM6FPF, John
  8. KM6FOY, Bill
  9. WE4BY, Greg
  10. AJ6LU, Harald
  11. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  12. KJ6OKV, Anthony
    1. TASMA
    2. 220SMA
    3. SCRRBA
  13. W6EDT, Dale
  14. AI6OU, David
  15. K6UVR, Steve
  16. K6RBS, Richard
    1. SDR
    2. Logger
  17. K6JBL, Jerry

6/13/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed (net control & log)
  2. K6RBS, Richard
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. KN6BMR, David
  6. W6SI, Tak
  7. W6EDT, Dale
  8. W6INE, Erik
  9. WE4BY, Greg
  10. K6RJO, Rich

6/6/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. WA6ED, Ed (log)
  3. AE6H, Ray
  4. NR6E, Mikkel
  5. W6INE, Erik
  6. W6SI, Tak
  7. KE6GQO, Monte
  8. AJ6LU, Harald
  9. KN6BMR, David
  10. KM6FOY, Bill
  11. K6RJO, Rich
  12. K6EEE, Jim
  13. K6RBS, Richard
  14. KM6AFI, George
  15. NJ6N, Brian
  16. W6EDT, Dale
  17. K6UVR, Steve
  18. NH7WG, Bruce
  19. K6FRY, Bill
  20. KJ6OKV, Anthony

5/30/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed (net control & log)
  2. AD6OI, Heiko
  3. AI6WE, Mike
  4. KE6GQO, Monte
  5. KC6FZY, Charlie
  6. KM6FOY, Bill
  7. KN6BMR, David
  8. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  9. W6EDT, Dale
  10. AJ6LU, Harold
  11. KE6BXT, Don
  12. K6EEE, Jim
  13. K6TJO Tim
  14. K6RBS, Richard
  15. NJ6N, Brian
  16. AE6H, Ray
  17. AA6UG, Morris, easy digi board

5/23/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. WA6ED, Ed (log)
  3. W6EDT Dale
    1. Traced previous issue with Raspberry Pi, POE, mesh-node
  4. KC6FZY Charlie
    1. Linear power amplifiers, power measurement issues
  5. K6WHC Scott
    1. OC Races 60 meter band, KX3
    2. Hustler 60 meter stick antenna
    3. most internal tuners can handle 3:1 or better
    4. Anybody on 60 meters?
    5. K6EEE uses g5rv junior with KX3, initial reading 6:1, KX3 tuner quite good
  6. AE6H, Ray
    1. SF Pier 45, 4 alarm fire
  7. KG6JBL, Jerry
  8. KN6BMR David
    1. weak signal
  9. K6EEE, Jim
  10. K6RBS, Richard
  11. AI6WE, Mike

5/9/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. WA6ED, Ed (log)
  3. KE6GQO, Monte
  4. K6WHC, Scott
  5. KN6BMR, David
  6. W6SI, Tak
  7. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. when driving a ground rod into the ground, be sure no gas or water, electric lines to hit. Free call to utilities
  8. W6EDT, Dale
  9. KN6FOA, Mitchel
  10. KK6URR, Russ
  11. AJ6LU, Harold
    1. Grounding your station
      1. ARRL Book on Grounding and bonding
  12. K6RBS, Richard
    1. RF ground
    2. AC ground
    3. During storms, ladder line, arcing in tuner, time to disconnect ladder line and ground it.
  13. KI6LOM, Jim
  14. AD6OH, Patti
    1. 3D printing
      1. Friction welding question
  15. KM6IRT, Peter

5/3/2020 Sunday 10 Meter Net 9am

  1. WA6ED, Ed, net control (closed)
  2. AD6OI, Heiko
  3. KM6FOY, Bill
  4. KR6ISS, Kriss
  5. W6BOT, Rich
  6. AE6H, Ray
  7. K6UVR, Steve
  8. N6SNX, George
  9. K6RJO, Rich
  10. K6RBS, Richard
  11. NU6R, Nick

5/3/2020 Sunday 40 Meter Net 8am (closed)

  1. WA6LDI, Phil, net control
  2. N6JCN, Jim
  3. KR6ISS, Kriss
  4. WA6ED, Ed
  5. K6UVR, Steve
  6. W6EDT, Dale
  7. K6RJO, Rich
  8. KG6FCT, Lou
  9. KM6FOY, Bill
  10. K6RBS, Richard
  11. KC6FZY, Charlie

Every Saturday tech net starting 9am, until we can meet again, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters

Questions or answers. Try to keep your turn to 3 minutes or less.

5/2/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 1 47.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. WA6ED, Ed (logging this page)
  3. K6RJO Rich
  4. K6BMR David
  5. AE6H Ray
  6. NR6E Mikkel
  7. KM6FOY Bill
  8. W6EDT Dale
  9. K6RJO Tim
  10. KI6LOM Jim
  11. NJ6N Brian
  12. K6RBS Richard
  13. K6UVR Steve

4/25/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. WA6ED, Ed (logging this page)
  3. W6BIK, Jeff
    1. Does a FTM400 need a cooling fan?
      1. only if it gets hot
      2. display gets warm, need goods air flow
        1. dim display, it will run cooler! Woo Hoo! Thanks Jeff.
      3. How much TX power?
      4. TX duty cycle?
  4. KN6BMR, David
    1. Baofang receiver noise
      1. led lights
      2. out of band noise
      3. in band noise
      4. try a filter, fun to experiment!
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
    1. Some Baofangs work better than others
    2. For the price, it’s what
  6. NR6E, Mikkel
  7. K6RJO, Rich
  8. AI6WE, Mike
  9. W6SI, Tak
  10. KC6FZY, Charley
    1. WIRES messing up repeater
  11. AE6H, Ray
    1. set your timeout timer 60-90 seconds. This will protect your radio from a stuck PTT and overheat your radio.
  12. G7LWT, Darren
  13. KM6HCC, Steve
  14. K6RBS, Richard
    1. offered to check out David’s noise in the area
  15. NJ6N, Brian
    1. Turn off WIRES
  16. W6EDT, Dale
    1. 3-5 impulses of noise, something oscillating, need trouble shooting ideas
    2. goes away at 1 watt
    3. 1 second after key up, wide band
    4. centered on discrete frequencies
    5. happens on two radios
    6. happens on different antennas
    7. 15 meters
    8. 1-5 seconds in a series after tx stops.
    9. check coax? (from Bill)
    10. Radio a & b pick up each other issue
    11. Flex & 7300
    12. Try CW keyer, with directional antenna
    13. something storing energy and then re-radiating?
  17. K6FTL, Alex

4/18/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. AE6H, Ray
    1. Field Day, Gilleran Park Closed
    2. Investigating Alternatives
  3. AB6CP, Adam
    1. 6 meter, 10 meter antenna  suggestions?
      1. vertical
      2. dipole
      3. CB antenna could be adapted to 10 meters
  4. K6WHC, Scott
  5. K6RJO, Rich
  6. K6SI, Tak
  7. KM6FQY, Bill
  8. AJ6LU, Harald
  9. KE6GQO, Montey
  10. W6BIK, Jeff
    1. Lido, Panavice
    2. double stick
  11. AI6ED, Mike
  12. N6WH, Liana
  13. KN6CVA, Bob
  14. KB6POE, Richard
  15. KM6ZPI, Josh
  16. KK6UMB, Tom
  17. KC6FZY, Charley
  18. W6EDT, Dale

4/11/2020 SOARA Saturday Tech net, 9am, 147.645 and 447.180 repeaters (closed)

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. WA6ED, Ed
  3. W6EDT, Dale
  4. K6RJO, Rich
  5. K6MSM, Mike
  6. N6WH, Liana
  7. KC6FZY, Charlie
  8. WD6E, Mike
  9. AJ6LJU, Harold
  10. KM6FOY, Bill
  11. AB6CP, Adam
  12. NR6E, Mikkel
  13. K6ACJ, Bill
  14. K6UVR, Steve
  15. K6RBS, Richard
      1. JoeMoell
      1. vk3yng
  16. KJ5KG, David
  17. AG6VQ, Mike
  18. KJ6PFW, Patrick

4/5/2020 10M 9am net (closed 9:39)

  1. WA6ED, Ed, (net control)
  2. K6UVR, Steve
  3. AD6OI, Heiko
  4. KM6FOY, Bill
  5. KR6ISS, Kriss, 73
  6. N6NSX, George, 73
  7. N6JCN, Jim

4/5/2020 40M 8am net (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed (net control)
  2. W6EDT, Dale
  3. KM6FOY, Bill
  4. KR6ISS, Kriss
  5. WE4BY, Greg
  6. KG6FCT, Lou
  7. K6RBS, Richard
  8. W6DZL, Bob, Utah, 73
  9. K6UVR, Steve, 73
  10. KC6FZY, Charlie
  11. N6JCN, Jim

4/4/2020 Tech Net 9am (closed)

  1. WA6ED, Ed (net control)
  2. AD6OI, Heiko
    1. meetings online to members, goto meeting, zoom, and others
    2. how to make updates on
    3. linked 2m to 440, wait for both to key down
  3. K6WHC, Scott
    1. interesting session
  4. WB6NOA Gordon
    1. beam antenna, moon bounce, FM Sat., meteor scatter, 6M FM, 10KHz wide
    2. this summer, high pressure, tropospheric ducting
    3. kids excited tonight 8:37 ISS, 3 min, 41 deg, look NNW
    4. Tusday NASA TV
    5. Clear
  5. Ae6h Ray
    1. radio repair problem, alinco 605, fuse glowed, display half brightness,
    2. radio timers set 90-120 seconds
    3. 10MHz cutoff USB, below 10MHz LSB
    4. chimney help
  6. W6BIK Jeff
    1. ticket in Jan, studying for general
    2. webex and goto meeting, lately zoom, 40 minute sessions, zoombombing
    3. likes the notes!!!!!
  7. WD6E Mike
    1. 57 GHz & up
    2. liked modes tropo work, moon bounce, Stanford dish antenna, 1200 mhz to Hawaii
    3. likes the log too!!!!
  8. KM6ZPO, Mark,
    1. checking in, tram1480?
    2. zoom not using passwords
  9. KK6TTL, Jimmy
    1. suggestion: record tech net, 5W HF radio, how to determine lsb usb difference in reception?
    2. sw to demod SSB signal, headless radio, cell phone control
    3. using LSB USB convention clears up question
    4. 73
  10. KM6FOY Bill,
    1. chimney mount, use stainless straps
    2. chimney mounts designed for TV antennas
    3. black UV zip ties
  11. KE6RDK, Dan, on car mobile
    1. zoom
    2. Chimney mount question asker! Thank you for all the info. (Maybe connect with Ray)
    3. 73
  12. W6EDT, Dale
    1. after keying pulses, every 50khz
    2. suggest stainless chimney straps, galvanized lasted about 4 years, wide as possible to reduce load
    3. USB LSB, 60 meter USB only channelized
    4. 73
  13. AI6CG, Mark
    1. checked in, monitoring
    2. Anaheim ht
    3. 73 / clear
  14. AG6VQ, Mike
    1. ID-51 HT, how to get onto DSTAR?
    2. Car antenna next!
    3. 73 / clear
  15. WE4BY, Greg
    1. software decode? LSB USB
    2. Webex at work, metal faring, slot antenna, 2 story roof
    3. LSB USB convention, contrarians
    4. timed out?
  16. KN6BMR, David
    1. 73
  17. KK6LZB, Roger
    1. Zoom Webex, Skype, feature set
  18. KF6QPC, John
    1. getting familiar with DMR & Fusion, FT70D
  19. AI6OU, David
  20. K6RBS, Richard
    1. set your timer
    2. glendora jamming repeater
    3. 60meter US
  21. K6ACJ, Bill
    1. recorded net

4/3/2020 Dinner net 7pm

  1. AD6OI, Heiko (net control)
  2. NR6E, Mikkel
  3. WD6E, Mike
  4. WA6ED, Ed
  5. KM6FOY, Bill
  6. AE6H, Ray, 73
  7. W6INE, Erik
  8. G7LWT, Darren, echolink, UK?, 3am, 73
  9. K6TJO, Tim, Radio check, 73
  10. AG6VQ, Michael, final, 73
  11. K6FTL, Alex, 73
  12. K6HHC, Scott, clear