SOARA General Meeting – 7/18 – Monday

CERT and Emergency Communication Basic Battery Box
By Tony Gawel W6TNY

The presentation at the SOARA Club general meeting will be on the CERT and EmComm battery box project. The project is intended to provide CERT, EmComm teams and amateur radio clubs with a basic low cost Emergency Battery Box that is simple to build and requires minimal tools. The project is designed to inspire new ideas on what is possible by providing a Club/ Group activity that all members can participate in. The building process provides the builder with both comradery and pride of ownership in building their own (emergency) equipment (the fundamentals of Amateur Radio).

This project is not the high-end Mega EmComm box that some amateur radio operators will build! It is a smaller more portable version that uses the same basic concepts used on it larger cousin.

This project is designed for people who want to be better prepared with a more portable solution.