Monday, October 19th at 7pm; Online General Membership Meeting

Dear SOARA Members and Guests,

Please join us online for our October General Membership Meeting to be held on the GoToMeeting platform.

We will not have a guest speaker for this month.

What we would like to do is introduce the SOARA Board’s Officers and Directors, or reintroduce if you’ve been around awhile, and tell you a little about ourselves, what our job function is, and share where we’ve been as a club, where we are now, and where we may see ourselves going as SOARA with an opportunity for some Q & A from members afterwards. From this point on, the meeting is open for any ham radio topic you’d like to talk about.  Maybe you have a problem that needs some solutions or you have some solutions to someone’s problem. Perhaps you just want to share how you’ve been using your time this year with so many of us restricted by COVID. Maybe share your ideas about what you would like to see SOARA do in the future.  Bring you own decaf coffee and pastry to the computer and it will be almost like meeting at the Murray Center.

Even though we don’t have a guest speaker, this is your club that you pay dues every year to belong to. (Dues are due this month, by the way, and Ed would appreciate you getting your payment in soon if you haven’t done so)

We highly encourage your participation in Monday’s meeting. We hope to see many of you online and feel free to invite a guest who may be looking to get into ham radio and is looking for a club to help in that endeavor.


Out General Meetings have always been open to the public and our online platform using GoToMeeting is also open to anyone that wants to join in. You can join our GoToMeeting using either the GTM plug-in or access it via the Chrome web browser.

October SOARA Membership Meeting
Mon, Oct 19, 2020 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (PDT)

Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 835-355-957

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:


Ham Radio Examinations will NOT be held this month as the Norman P. Murray Center is closed until the end of ?? July, August, September, October, November,   sometime in 2021…..? We will announce resuming of testing as soon as we are able.

Please email our Education Director, Steve Kuver K6UVR, at for information on how to test remotely.