SOARA Tech is a Q&A directed net where we try to answer ham radio technical questions. Ask questions during net. THERE ARE NO TECH NETs ON SOARA ELMER SATURDAYS.
SOARA Elmer Saturday is a once per month face to face meeting where we demo radio related topics like, HT programming, HF operations, antenna testing, soldering, project builds. Schedule and details. Click on more information link below for the webpage.
SOARA Tech is a Q&A directed net where we try to answer ham radio technical questions. Ask questions during net. THERE ARE NO TECH NETs ON SOARA ELMER SATURDAYS.
SOARA Tech is a Q&A directed net where we try to answer ham radio technical questions. Ask questions during net. THERE ARE NO TECH NETs ON SOARA ELMER SATURDAYS.
SOARA Tech is a Q&A directed net where we try to answer ham radio technical questions. Ask questions during net. THERE ARE NO TECH NETs ON SOARA ELMER SATURDAYS.