August 21st, 7pm – Membership Meeting

SOARA Members,

Join us for our membership meeting Monday, August 21st at 7pm at the Norman P. Murray Center.

Our guest speaker will be our own Kriss Larsen KR6ISS. Kriss will be presenting on the whole radio spectrum; What’s there, why is it there, who is there, places out in the middle of nowhere that he’s been to, and some fun tidbits and facts you may (or may not) know about. Kriss is a wealth of knowledge and it will be an interesting presentation.

Coffee and Snacks will be served as usual.

This is taking place of what would be a Tech Fair August as we had very low response to that event plan.

Erik Wresch, VP – SOARA


Ham Radio Examinations will take place prior to the General Meeting and also at the Murray Center. Testing session starts at 6pm and is $15/session.

Pre-registration is not required and you don’t need to be a SOARA member to take the test. Please contact our Education Director, Steve Kuver, if you have questions about testing at

Membership Meeting: July 17th @ 7pm, Norman P. Murray Center

SOARA Members,

Please join us at the Murray Center on July 17th for our July Membership Meeting.

This month we will welcome Kevin from Bioenno Power in Santa Ana as our first vendor in quite some time. Kevin will be bringing the BLF series battery products, BSP (lite series) panels, and the latest powerpack and controller to show.

If that’s not enough to get you to come down to the meeting, then maybe the opportunity of not one, but TWO DOORPRIZES! might get you to come down; A BLF 1215A plus charger, and a BLF 1220A plus charger.

Erik Wresch, VP – SOARA


Ham Radio Examinations will take place prior to the General Meeting and also at the Murray Center. Testing session starts at 6pm and is $15/session.

Pre-registration is not required and you don’t need to be a SOARA member to take the test. Please contact our Education Director, Steve Kuver, if you have questions about testing at